Now is not the time

HOLY Week is traditionally a time for Filipino families and friends to get together, but there will be many other opportunities to do so safely in the future. Now is not the time.

Wear your masks. Watch your distance. Washing your hands.

Health experts fear – and anticipate – the number of daily COVID-19 cases to rise because of the people’s tendency to congregate during this Holy Week. The sanest advise for everybody is this: Let us not let our their guard down.  

The rate of positivity remains high – and dangerously, in the nation’s capital – so we must continue to be vigilant about the safety measures we are taking.

The last several weeks have seen a spike in COVID-19 cases, with the Philippine Red Cross data showing an increase in the percentage of positive cases per batch of tests taken compared to the positivity rate in previous months.

“We are seeing now that 23 percent of the tests come out positive, whereas from April 2020 until early March, we were in single digit percentages, the highest being nine percent last August. This 23 percent positivity rate is the highest we have ever seen at the PRC since the start of the pandemic, and it tells us that the virus is spreading unabated,” said Sen. Richard Gordon, the Philippine Red Cross chief.

How do we prevent the spread of COVID-19?

Avoid the three Cs: closed spaces with poor ventilation; crowded public spaces; and close-contact settings that put people in range of droplets from speaking, coughing, and sneezing.

Let us each do our part in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Let’s also take this opportunity to quietly reflect on Christ’s sacrifice for the sake of our salvation and to think of how we can translate that into our own actions for the upliftment of our nation and people. Let us be diligent about safety protocols. Wear a mask, yes, even at home, especially in the presence of the vulnerable. Wear a face shield in addition to a mask when out of the house. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands often, and eat one by one even if you are sitting together, if possible diagonally across each other instead of directly across.

Be exaggerated about your safety protocols if you have to. Hospitals have limited spaces and we do not have enough doctors and nurses. Let us avoid getting ourselves and our loved ones sick.


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