
THE STATE of the Nation Address (SONA) is given annually by the President to Congress, traditionally on the fourth Monday of July.

At the 2011 SONA, President Aquino announced the appointment of Conchita Carpio Morales as Ombudsman. Constitutionally, this is a seven year appointment “without reappointment.” Morales, therefore, is due to step down next month.

President Duterte is to appoint Morales’ successor from a list of three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council. He is to fill the vacancy within three months after it occurs.


The Ombudsman is empowered to investigate complaints against any public official or employee of the government. If the complaint is found to be verified, the Ombudsman may recommend the removal, suspension, or demotion of the errant official.

The Constitution also specifies that the Ombudsman should identify corruption opportunities and recommend changes to government systems which would enhance their invulnerability against malpractice.

Specifically, Article XI Section 13 (7) of the Constitution says:

“Determine the causes of inefficiency, red tape, mismanagement, fraud, and corruption in the Government and made recommendations for their elimination and the observance of high standards of ethics and efficiency.”

I hope the incoming Ombudsman exercises the authority that is given. Panay News has drawn attention to the huge discrepancy between the amount paid by the government in connection with the acquisition of Dengvaxia and the amount claimed to have been received by the French company Sanofil.

An active corruption prevention department within the Ombudsman’s office would, by installing verifiable audit trails, prevent the occurrence of anomalies.

The Philippines is sliding down the corruption league table implemented by Transparency International. In 2017, the Philippines was ranked 111th out of 172 countries surveyed.

A more proactive Ombudsman’s department, focused on eradicating corruption opportunities, would ensure that the Philippines is far less corrupt than it is today./PN


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