
THE LAPSING into law of the Vape Bill, or the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products Regulation Act, is upsetting. The Vape Law is a blatant disrespect to the endeavors of Filipinos who have fought for pro-people and pro-health regulatory systems for decades. While we were sleeping, a policy with regressive provisions silently lapsed into law and undermined our gains to promote public health.

Should the public just stay quiet and allow this law to hurt Filipinos, particularly children?

Take note that no less than the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Education (DepEd), health experts, and other health advocates have been ardently calling for the veto of this controversial measure due to its regressive provisions.  The law, which automatically lapsed into law last 25 July 2022, lowers the access of vape products from 21 to 18; transfers the regulation of vape products from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI); and allows flavors aside from tobacco and menthol.

Let it be said that vape products are harmful, and should never be marketed as safe alternatives to conventional cigarettes. Most of these contain nicotineā€”the addictive drug in regular cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products. It has been established that consuming nicotine before the age of 25 can harm the parts of the brain responsible for attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. Thus, these products should be regulated by the FDA which has the expertise and competencies for the work required.

Sadly, the voices of many reputable doctorsā€™ associations, the DOH, the FDA, the DepEd, the Department of Finance, health advocates, and most importantly, the majority of ordinary citizens were ignored.  A September 2021 Pulse Asia Survey showed that a staggering 77% of Filipinos believe that vaping devices and e-cigarettes are a ā€œserious health hazardā€, while 70% support a policy that restricts age accessibility to vapes and e-cigarettes at 21 years old and above.

Even science and evidence-based policy making was shunted aside. Instead, tobacco corporate interests trumped public health with the enactment of the vape bill into law. Outrageous.


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