PCL-Iloilo chapter election today

ILOILO – The Philippine Councilors League (PCL) – Iloilo chapter is holding its election today.

Reelectionist chapter president Ramon Sullano, a Sangguniang Bayan member of Santa Barbara, Iloilo, is seen to get a fresh term. He is said to have no challenger.

The election will be at a hotel in Mandurriao district.

Sullano also enjoys the support of all Iloilo congressmen – 1st District’s Cong. Janette Garin, 2nd District’s Cong. Michael Gorriceta, 3rd District’s Cong. Lorenz Defensor, 4th District’s Cong. Ferjenel Biron, and 5th District’s Cong. Raul Tupas

“Resulta man ini sia sang consultative nga mga effort kag recommendation sang tagsa-tagsa naton ka congressmen kon ngaa basi ma-unopposed kita,” Sullano told Panay News.

There are also no major changes in his lineup of candidates.

According to Sullano, he would prioritize the following:

* sports activities

* accident insurance coverage for PCL members

* medical financial assistance

* funeral assistance

* PCL Week celebration

* financial educational assistance to members pursuing studies

* establish a Legal Team Committee where PCL members can consult on legal matters when proposing ordinances and resolutions/PN


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