I DO NOT write poetry for myself, or to win awards.
I do not write poems to please the critics, and the vanguards of literature.
I write poetry for those who need it.
For those who like my vision of the world.
Or like how I feel and see the things and events in this, our world.
My poem could be like a dead child if nobody likes, or reads, it.
But that’s okay.
As a poet, my calling is mostly just to give birth.
My meaningful existence is in bringing into the world my vision and voice.
It doesn’t have to be liked, and worshipped, by millions.
I do not expect all the world to like my babies.
But I know, that in the future, if not in the present, someone will need my poems badly.
My poems will speak to someone.
And that is all that matters.
I mean, as far as recognition as a poet is concerned.
But it is as I said, I do not expect your appreciation of my work.
I would be grateful if you think I’m a good poet.
But I will not die if you ignore me.
Or if you think otherwise.
I am a poet just by bringing into existence, by capturing in words, my particular vision of the world.
I am a poet simply by writing what is uniquely whispered to me by certain angels of ideas.
As a teacher, I know that I am also good because I put my heart into teaching.
I do not cheat my students of anything that I know.
I am honest, and true, and generous.
Now, if my students turn out to be stupid, that’s not really my fault.
Hey, they have to develop responsibility for themselves, too!
I teach everything I know.
I do not hold back. I’m generous. I already said that.
That’s why I know I’m good.
I mean, what else can you demand of me?
I’m creative in my way of teaching.
I’m actually exciting, unpredictable, and a force of nature.
I’m fun and engaging.
I try hard to interest students to learn more.
I do not force students to listen to me.
If they do not like me, or what they hear, they are free to go.
I can teach them to be excellent, but they are free to make stupid choices, and be stupid.
I think I’ve produced some pretty wonderful students.
I mean, people who have greatly succeeded in life because of what they learned from me.
Knowledge and content-wise. But also aptitude and attitude-wise.
The most successful of my students are those who said they were inspired by me.
By the way I lived. And the way I viewed life.
And the way I taught them.
So, yeah. Sometimes, I think I’m god.
I actually think I can create successful people.
Of course, my students can disobey me, and suffer because of it.
Do I worry about that?
You want to eat of the forbidden fruit, go ahead.
You don’t want to be my chosen one? Go die like all other mortals!
Do not follow me if you don’t trust me.
It’s as simple as that.
Do not try to buy my love by following me blindly.
If you think you will succeed by not heeding my teachings, go follow your heart.
The end goal is for you to be successful, and live out the best version of yourself.
If I’m not leading you to that, drop me.
Okay, now, if you are on board with all of that, we can proceed.
I will not reveal to you everything at once.
That would be overwhelming. Exhausting.
For you and for me.
If you are in a rush, drop me now.
Because I will not be rushed.
You cannot tell a god what to do when and where and how.
I have a method, a reason, for everything I do.
Just trust me on this: I want you to be successful. And be the best of what you can be.
Egocentric and megalomaniacal that I am, I want you to be better than me.
Or, if that is impossible, at least, be as good. Haha.
Back to the June 2018 poem-a-thon.
I last ran a poem-a-thon workshop in May 2014.
I am pretty proud of that month-long workshop.
It was, of course, a public service of The Peter Solis Nery Foundation for Hiligaynon Literature and the Arts, Inc.
Just one of the many things I do to promote Hiligaynon writing.
I was so impressed with the result of the May 2014 poem-a-thon workshop that my Foundation actually produced a book of the best works.
I think 21 or 25 new writers were published in that book for the first time.
Even if they are not writing poetry now, I think that said poem-a-thon challenge changed the lives of my students somehow.
They often ask me when I will do something like that again.
Well, the long wait is over.
I’m gonna do it again.
And I’m opening it up to more people. Casting the net wider.
Especially for those who learned of the 2014 poem-a-than only after the fact. A little too late.
This time, I’m ready for the world outside of Hiligaynon speakers/writers.
This time, I’ll take on participants from other countries, nationalities, and ethnicities.
This is online. So, the whole world is welcome. (To be continued on Wednesday; 500tinaga@gmail.com/PN)