Police, Army lash out at rebels over soldier’s death

ILOILO City – Cowards and human rights violators.

This was how the Police Regional Office 6 (PRO-6) and the Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) described the New People’s Army (NPA) following the latter’s admission of killing Army Corporal Frederick Villasis in Barangay Lahug, Tapaz, Capiz on Aug. 11.

In a statement, the PRO-6 said the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)-NPA showed their “truest identity”.

“What was very clear here was their intention to regain the control over the area; stop the continuous surrender of their supporters to the government; and impede development which could improve people’s lives,” said Police Lieutenant Colonel Joem Malong, PRO-6 spokesperson.

“The CPP-NPA feared development because once development comes in they could no longer fool anybody to support their empty cause,” Malong added.  “We will not waver in our efforts to work with the community, local government units and other agencies of the government in bringing peace and development in the region.”

On the other hand, the 3ID said it will legally seek justice and file the appropriate criminal charges against rebels.

“While we mourn the falling of another hero, we shall make sure that what our soldier started in Lahug, Tapaz will continue until we finally end the local communist armed conflict,” said Major General Eric Vinoya, 3ID commander.  

Villasis, a resident of Barangay Jaena, Tapaz, was a member of the 12th Infantry Battalion and leader of the Philippine Army’s Community Support Program Sustainment Team in Barangay Lahug.

He and Lahug barangay kagawads Analyn Giganto and Estong Sumaria were on board two motorcycles when they were blocked by around 40 armed men.

The men took Villasis away and shot him to death from behind. They also burned his motorcycle.

The NPA admitted the killing of Villasis and described him as a legitimate target. They claimed Villasis was involved in the “massacre, arrest and detention” of Tumandok farmers on Dec. 30, 2020.

Troops of the 3ID and PRO-6 carried out synchronized military-police operations in Calinog, Iloilo and Tapaz, Capiz.

The raids for alleged illegal firearms and explosives resulted in the arrest of 16 members of Indigenous Peoples and the death of nine others.

In a statement, the NPA’s Coronacion “Waling-waling” Chiva Command spokesperson Julio Montana said it was the Mt. Baloy Command unit of the NPA that “punished” Villasis./PN


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