Pope Francis’ powerful words on protecting children abused by priests, 2

WHEN Pope Francis was elected in March 2013 as the spiritual leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, he was determined to end clerical child abuse. But many bishops resisted, preferring to cover up and hope there would be no civil cases that would bankrupt their dioceses.

They frequently cited the “Pontifical Secret”, an old rule that wrongly advised church leaders not to report clerical abuse to the local authorities. It prevented any church cooperation with prosecutors and police when seeking legal information. It consequently blocked the discussion of cases outside the circle of church authorities.

In December 2019, Pope Francis took the historic decision to cancel and abolish the Pontifical Secret. Instead, he made the reporting of clerical child abuse mandatory for all clergy and religious.

For the first time, he ordered each diocese to set up reporting mechanisms for reporting clerical abuse and its coverups. The pontifical instruction required bishops and priests to file, record and protect all data regarding every case of clerical child abuse and never allow it to be lost or destroyed.

In his wisdom, Francis also forbade church authorities to gag anyone for reporting abuse or claimed they had been abused.

Then in 2022, Francis went even further. He made revisions to Church law and issued directives that demanded bishops to act strongly and bring child-abusing priests to justice.

“I don’t deny the abuse. Even if it was only one [case], it is monstrous. Because you, priest, you, nun, have to take that boy, that girl to God and with this (sexual abuse), you destroy their lives. It’s monstrous. It is destroying lives. This is one thing about abuse; it is a destructive thing, humanly diabolical…. So, it is simply the monstrosity of a man or woman of the church who is psychologically ill or evil and uses their position for their personal satisfaction,” he said.

Francis noted in interviews that some Church leaders refuse to obey his instructions and changes to Church laws to protect children. They choose secrecy instead. But Francis said: “There is no turning back. My instructions are irreversible.”

As I said earlier, Church authorities are now required to provide all information and evidence on abuse cases to prosecutors and courts. Pope Francis has even removed the threat of excommunication to all Catholics who do that and who will testify and provide information, as well as cooperate with prosecutors and civil courts.

In other words, the highest virtue is to tell the truth about child abuse. Archbishop Charles Scicluna said Francis’ pontifical instruction was highly significant.

Some bishops defy Pope Francis’ instructions and continue to protect pedophile priests. These were not just some rotten apples in the barrel; the whole barrel was rotten, as one reporter said.

When the accused is a bishop, cardinal or religious, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, head of the Vatican office for bishops, said: “We have said for years that priests must conform to certain strict rules, so why shouldn’t bishops and others in the hierarchy do the same? It’s not just a law, but a profound responsibility.”/PN


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