Heavy and continuous rainfall since Sunday is threatening massive flooding. With climate change in our midst, more frequent typhoons are the new norm. But why do our flooding woes seem to worsen every time?
A main reason is the non-compliance with our environmental laws. Many local government units (LGUs) are not complying with the solid waste management law, while others have yet to strictly and fully implement segregation of garbage at source, recycling and composting.
Yes, first and foremost, LGUs should comply with the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (Republic Act 9003) and also start clearing waterways in their areas.
LGUs should complement the national government’s campaign to address flooding problems through the clearing of waterways. What they and concerned government agencies must also do, aside from strictly implementing the solid waste management law, is demolish illegal fish pens that clog rivers; undertake massive cleanup of esteros and canals; relocate settlers by the rivers; dredge rivers and other waterways; and heavily penalize those who throw waste in rivers and lakes.
Yes, LGUs must also enforce an absolute “no tree cutting” in watersheds and other protected areas.
Disaster risk reduction is everybody’s business, and LGUs should lead this effort by also ensuring that homes, schools, hospitals, and buildings are constructed in safe areas and are secure amidst natural hazards, and that roads, bridges and other infrastructure are designed and constructed with economic growth and disaster risk reduction in mind.
The government should also assess the structural integrity of all dams in the country and retrofit those which need to be fixed.
With or without these heavy rains and disasters, we have incessantly urged and reminded our LGUs and our citizens to work on preventing and mitigating disasters, such as floods, and not merely respond to their onslaught. We must learn from our experiences, practice enhanced disaster preparedness and response, and be proactive in reducing the risk of disasters.