PSYCHOTROPIC | The environment in the age of commercialism

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

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DARK days are up ahead for the environment. The importance of maintaining the sanctity of virgin ecosystems takes a back seat in this ever expanding world of consumerism and commercialism.

If you have been up to date with the news then I think you know what topic I am going to cover. I am about to rant about the planned Nickelodeon theme park that will be built in Coron, Palawan. How disappointed I am.

I was a big fan of Nick when I was a kid. Spongebob, The Fairly Odd Parents, the Rugrats, the Thornberries, they molded my little six-year-old soul. However, no matter how much I loved these shows and characters, I would hate to see them violate the beauty that is Coron. 

Nickelodeon states that the park they are going to build will not violate the beach front’s ecosystem. They will have a floating restaurant and nature-friendly activities. However, I would like to point out that you are letting a horde of tourists into the area and this will surely affect the marine ecosystem.

The company itself may take efforts to keep the surroundings clean, but we cannot say the same for the guests. There will always be people who think the world around them is one big trash can and those that think they can get away with taking a few corals as souvenirs. 

There is a reason why virgin ecosystems are the most beautiful places on Earth; it’s because they are untouched by human hands. We have a knack for turning whatever natural resources we can get our hands on into profit while sacrificing its life and beauty. Coron is one of the most beautiful places in the Philippines, and now I dread the day when green slime pollutes the pristine waters.

Of course, backing up Nickelodeon is the Department of Tourism. Anything to get a high influx of tourists into the country. Isn’t the natural beauty of Coron enough? The Philippines is known for being rich in natural resources and beauty. Is there really a need for branding just to gain more profit from tourists?

It makes me sad to think that perhaps 20 years from now, virgin ecosystems will be gone. The greenest things our descendants will be seeing are parks. The magnificent rain forests and coral reefs will be stuff of legend. Every experience they will have will be sponsored by a brand.

Based on the reactions of some people to the news of the theme park, there are still a number of those who care. A golden few who see that the environment is one of man’s greatest treasures. An untouched, unblemished ecosystem is more valuable than gold. I hope we golden few can help stop this tidal wave of commercialism./PN








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