PUBLIC APATHY? DOH: Noncooperation of households hinders dengue control efforts in WV

The Iloilo Provincial Health Office (IPHO) says among the common mosquito breeding sites at home are tires, flower pots and bottles. The IPHO has been conducting dengue education drives across the province, particularly showing residents the proper way to search and destroy mosquito breeding places. ILOILO PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICE PHOTOS
The Iloilo Provincial Health Office (IPHO) says among the common mosquito breeding sites at home are tires, flower pots and bottles. The IPHO has been conducting dengue education drives across the province, particularly showing residents the proper way to search and destroy mosquito breeding places. ILOILO PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICE PHOTOS

ILOILO City – Not all households in Western Visayas are participating in search and destroy operations for dengue mosquito breeding places, posing a challenge for barangay officials, according to the Department of Health (DOH).

“I understand that enforcing participation in our search and destroy activities can be challenging. I hope the community realizes the importance of their cooperation in controlling dengue,” said Dr. Bea Camille Natalaray, Medical Officer IV and head of the Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Disease (EREID) unit at DOH Region 6.

From January 1 to August 10 of this year, DOH-6 recorded 12,198 dengue cases with 24 deaths – a 142 percent increase from the 5,036 cases with 24 deaths reported in the same period last year.

DOH-6 thus called on barangay officials to activate their Barangay Dengue Task Forces or Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue, noting the continuing increase in dengue cases.

“It (search and destroy operations) starts at home, particularly with checking for potential breeding areas,” said Natalaray during a townhall meeting on dengue prevention attended by barangay officials from across the region.

Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by the Aedes mosquitoes. It is characterized by high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, rash, and mild bleeding.

The disease can progress to more severe forms, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever, which can be fatal if not properly treated.

Here’s breakdown of dengue cases in the region:
* Aklan – 1,508 cases with one death
* Antique – 759 cases with one death
* Capiz – 1,251 cases with three deaths
* Guimaras – 912 cases with one death
* Iloilo – 4,754 cases with eight deaths
* Iloilo City – 692 cases with three cases
* Negros Occidental – 1,871 cases with six deaths
* Bacolod city – 451 cases with one deaths

Natalaray emphasized the urgency of reactivating barangay dengue taskforces, noting that executive orders or ordinances had previously been issued by DOH or local government units (LGUs) to institutionalize these taskforces.

The taskforce needs to regularly convene and engage with the community to combat the rise in dengue, Natalaray stressed.

“We need to reactivate the taskforce and hold frequent meetings with our residents regarding our dengue action plans. Regular clean-up campaigns are crucial especially now with the frequent rains, and we must consistently monitor potential mosquito breeding sites,” she said.

The barangay taskforce’s responsibilities include the following:

* regular clean-up campaigns and search and destroy
* monitor compliance of households
* coordinate with schools and LGUs for implementation of activities
* mobilize resources from the barangays
* fever surveillance of Barangay Health Workers

In calling for the reactivation of barangay dengue taskforces, DOH-6 said these would support the implementation of the 5S strategy against dengue in the community (Search and Destroy, Secure Self-Protection, Seek Early Consultation, Support Fogging and Spraying of Hotspot Places, Sustain Hydration), promote preventive measures, enhance public understanding of dengue transmission, symptoms, and prevention, and ensure timely responses, including reporting suspected cases and seeking early healthcare.

The age group mostly affected are youth and students; 34 percent of the total cases belong to the 11 to 20 years old age bracket (4,112 cases), DOH-6 data showed.

Here’s the breakdown of cases by age group:
* 11 to 20 years old – 4,112 cases
* 1 to 10 years old – 3,894 cases
*21 to 30 years old – 2,068 cases
* 31 to 40 years old – 793 cases
* 51 years old and above – 679 cases

As for the clustering (three or more cases within a four consecutive week period) of dengue cases, 660 barangays have reported such – Aklan (77 barangays), Antique (23 barangays), Capiz (67 barangays), Guimaras (50 barangays), Iloilo (288 barangays), Iloilo City (46 barangays), Negros Occidental (93 barangays), and Bacolod City (16 barangays)./PN 


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