Quarantine and inner strength

THIS ARTICLE is written by a kindred spirit, Carmela Consing Taylor.

Millions work from home and practice social and physical distancing. Schools are closed; some products in grocery stores are scarce. There is so much information about the pandemic to access daily and some of it can be overwhelming.

So what can you do to help stay calm during this period of unprecedented change? Each individual has the ability to cultivate inner strength. What is inner strength? According to the School of Natural Health Sciences, it is integrity of character; resoluteness of will; mental resistance to doubt.

This is all good in theory most of the times but in reality, everyone struggles especially during this period. Negativity chips away at our confidence and brings us to dark moments. It is a challenge to foster our inner strength when we are facing fear, loneliness, and uncertainty.

Given our diverse backgrounds and the communities we live in, how to realize our inner strength depends on our beliefs and societal mores. 

During my yoga classes, I always remind my fellow yogis to focus on their centre, their core. I am not only talking about physicality here but inner strength, as well.

Here are some tips that resonate with me:

a) Know who you are – Your personality is the foundation of your inner strength. Pay more attention to your feelings and reactions rather than the pandemic; be mindful of judgmental thoughts, be patient with yourself and others. Channel positivity to your family and friends by not obsessing about the pandemic; by not feeding into more worry. The happier you are with yourself and the more you are at peace, the less the outside world can affect you.

b) Spend time in silence – It is important to give yourself a break from the news from time to time. If you can, completely unplug from everything for one day – no email, no social media, no TV, or people.  Connect with nature and/or just sit alone with your thoughts. Calm your inner chaos with 100 percent focus.

c) Set a routine – Every ounce of energy wasted drains your inner strength. Create a daily routine. Don’t let the basics slip. Maintain a schedule and keep up with daily hygiene, chores, and cleaning practices.

d) Create the right circle – In “normal” circumstances, hanging out with the wrong people can deplete your energy. During this time, reach out to your support system via text, telephone, or through virtual conferencing and celebrate each other. It is important to have people who feed positive energy into your life right now, one sour person can chip away at your inner strength. 

e) Gain control of your body – It is tough to feel strong inside if you are unhealthy outside. Be proactive about your health and use your body to strengthen your soul. I have a mantra I say every morning in front of the mirror at the start of my day, “I am beautiful, I am strong, I am worthy, I am enough”.

f) Give yourself a good home – I’m not talking about big homes or mansions here, I’m talking about keeping your house in order. When your surrounding is messy your energy level goes down; this is also true with relationships. Self-isolation and quarantine are essential in slowing the spread of COVID-19 but unfortunately, home is not the safest option for individuals and families experiencing domestically-violent relationships. When the home breaks down, insecurity gets the better of a person and insecurity is an inner strength killer. If you or anyone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please reach out to your community resources, you are not alone. Your home should be a safe haven especially during this time.

g) Connect with the source of your power – Regardless of your religion or faith, you can gain inner strength by connecting with your spiritual source. Through prayer, meditation, or simply deep thought, you can centre yourself in the universe and understand your role in something bigger and worthy.

We are all cogs in the wheel so connect with your community and the world at large. Focus on what you can do to help instead of what is lacking. Just like any other challenge, we shall overcome this and we will all be conquerors. Dig deep into that inner strength and we will get through the worst.



I am offering free yoga classes on Zoom Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9 a.m. (Philippine time). If anyone is interested to join, please email me at carmelaconsing_taylor@yahoo.ca for the Zoom link and ID.


For comments, you may reach the writer at belca.87@gmail.com./PN


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