Quarantine blues

I MUST say there were (and still are) plenty of prophets of doom during the ECQ. I remember getting pissed by the projections of some individuals which were defended, ironically, by close relations. Well, science is science, no question about that.

But seriously? When people are hit hard on the face and scrambling to cope with something deadly, and worst, a new reality, you had to give them death projections? National government had already given us grim projections, you don’t need to add to the paranoia and chaos, thank you very much.

Moving forward, this pandemic truly exposed the worst and best in governance, leadership, and humanity. Both the incompetent and genuine leaders are exposed; government bureaucratic red tape delays what could have been done speedier; people get arrested; scarce items become more expensive; unscrupulous entrepreneurs overcharge their goods; and humanity’s greed and generosity are revealed. Sensational!

It takes a crisis to test leadership, governance, and humanity. So I guess it’s a good exercise that for once, we experience something bizarre; something deadly for us to come to our senses.

And of course, don’t forget the unstoppable quarrels and debates between anti-Duterte and pro-Duterte factions. Shades of popular movies, huh! I am about to puke about all this drama! Man oh man, when the country is on the brink of disaster, we still fight! Guess that’s the essence of free speech huh! Lest I be attacked by the smart asses of this world, oh yes, debate is an indicator of democracy, blah, blah. But I have had just enough of your smart ass and arrogant display of intelligentsia. Give us a break!

I am pro-country, make no mistake about it! I love my country to bits and pieces. Leaders are imperfect. Either elected corrupt or corrupted; ethical or unethical; principled or unprincipled; just or unjust. But at the end of the day, I just want a leader who has the balls and gumption to see the country through its worst nightmare!

Anyways, when his time comes to an end, we can once again elect another individual who is ether corrupt or corrupted; ethical or unethical; principled or unprincipled; just or unjust. There! Aren’t we just repeating the process each time? Don’t humor yourself. You are one of those who elect them each time.

Now, where were we? And the violators! Truly! Quarantine Pass, Odd-Even Scheme, Social Distancing, Mask Wearing, and yet people still don’t comply. We’re really a bunch of rascals. We are so entitled that we think we can disobey all the rules!

Oh yes, this is a rant. I have been wanting to vent but I didn’t want to do it on social media because I don’t want to become one of the rest. So this is my official rant. My rant against all the high and mighty; against all the violators of protocol; against the prophets of doom; against the profiteers; against greed and selfishness.

That said, I also want to credit the generosity and kindness of people that surfaced during the ECQ and GCQ. May God bless your kind souls! I am a recipient of such generosity and kindness.

Meanwhile, for the many years that I have lived on earth, this is my first time ever to receive actual support from government without shedding a sweat! I must admit that receiving relief goods gives me satisfaction and joy! It’s like my government cares for me after all. Kudos to the elected and non-elected government officers and personnel who facilitated the release of these relief goods.

The health crisis is really something worth pondering about. So many harsh realities confront us. Death for one; hunger; hostility; possible anarchy; individualism; to name the gravest. 

Indeed a crisis brings out the best and worst in people. However, I daresay, most people are naturally good except for a few. Thus, the earth is still a better place to stay unless you choose Mars or Jupiter but you need science to do that.



It will take people to influence change in society. Embedding a new normal will take the acceptance and compliance of people. People tend to dislike change but this change is drastic, not a dilly-dally change, because lives are at stake. In the end, the new normal has to be pushed and lived out by the very people who inhabit society.


For comments, you may reach the writer at belca.87@gmail.com./PN


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