THEY’RE twisted, large, and ugly. No, I’m not talking about nasty ogres or some mothers-in-law! I’m referring to varicose veins, These are dark, purple, or bluish veins that are common in the elderly and usually appear on the legs.
Women are the usual victims, according to the Mayo Clinic. Experts say that 41 percent of American women have abnormal leg veins when they reach the age of 50. This condition is also common in pregnant, obese or overweight individuals and those who stand or sit for a long time.
In most cases, varicose veins are harmless and are a cosmetic problem. They can make you less attractive and stop you from wearing shorts. In others, bulging veins can be painful and itchy. They can lead to ulcers or blood clots. Veins that are close to the skin may also burst and bleed.
Battling bulging veins
To lessen your chances of developing varicose veins, here are some tips courtesy of the Mayo Clinic and WebMD:
* Stay in shape by exercising regularly. Lose weight if necessary to tone your leg muscles and improve blood circulation. Stick to a high-fiber, low-salt diet.
* Don’t suffer for the sake of fashion! Get rid of tight clothes and high heels. Both can restrict blood flow to the legs.
* Stop smoking since this bad habit can give you varicose veins. Dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes can damage the body’s circulatory system, causing arteries to narrow and harden. Quitting also prevents other diseases.
* Keep moving. Don’t sit or stand for long periods. If your job requires you to do so, change your position from time to time. Stretch your legs and exercise to keep the blood flowing. While sitting, don’t cross your legs.
* If you are pregnant, sleep on the left side to improve circulation. Don’t sleep on your back.
Lastly, don’t waste money on so-called vein creams. These over-the-counter products may look like the easy way out of your problem, but they don’t work. Most contain Vitamins E or K that do not affect varicose veins.
National Press Club and Philippine Dental Association awardee George N. True II has written two bestsellers based on his popular column which has been running for almost 40 years. For questions about health, email