Rainy days, Thursdays, and June

SO FAR, June has not failed in bringing in the rains. Don’t get me wrong, I am well pleased. I have been dutifully watering the plants — the newly-grown and the inherited plants from my parents — for the dry spell. I must tell you, that I have committed to making the plants thrive and survive throughout the drought. “No plant shall die” was my mantra!

June unobtrusively came, followed by the rains. Isn’t that romantic? You know, June is akin to romance. It’s a month I look forward to each year — a month I can do anything to entertain myself because it’s a happy month. Naturally, there are limitations — the practical side of things, but there is no limit to the fun I create in my head and desire to execute because it’s my best month of the year! I romance June every year. It’s been a ritual for a couple of years now, and so far, I am satisfied.  

Back to the rains. Isn’t that a welcome change? The plants are nourished, the leaves turn green, and any signs of decay are now overtaken by new life. New life is the key. If only all of us await new life each time crappy and detestable circumstances pound us, then we could survive the tough times.

June is also an extraordinary month because it saw my birth ages ago in the then-town of Tagbilaran. Well, after twenty-four days in 1966, the town became a chartered city on July 1st, so, I was ushered into a brand-new city effectively making me a city baby, haha!

I was a huge baby — 9 kg upon birth, and Mum said the nurses couldn’t help but stare and say I looked like a 3-month-old baby owing to my weight. Hmm, I wish that weight turned into height — I could have more use of it in my later years. Still, I cherished the idea that the nurses observed how big I was. It must have been fascinating! Oh yes, I was born at the then-Bohol Medical Center. The center had its own evolution but that’s another story.

As June finally closes, I want to pay tribute to the delightful experiences I relish as the month unfolds each day. The fiesta invites where I gathered all the juiciest political tidbits effortlessly; the out-of-town trip together with Sylvia Garsuta and Evelyn Namoc — Anda traversing the interior and coastal towns of Bohol — whew what a long trip, Loay to check the old church where I also discovered a museum that I intend to explore in the upcoming days, and Sikatuna for its famed attraction on June 6th; reconnecting with younger schoolmates — Juliet Israel and Maya Arcayan in a fiesta dinner; visiting a hill of my childhood — Balilihan naturally and the seminary of my young life with Maya; dining with two female first cousins; the birthday celebrations of an aunt — Ate Nyng Lungay and another lady friend — Juvy Sarmiento Lim, respectively; the birthday treat of Ivie Datahan Atup; the engagement of new cleaning lady, Mercy aka Jingjing Ramiso — what a relief; the tireless dancing — what is life without dance, huh, the hosting; the writing; and my delectable old, sentimental soul. That’s June. But June isn’t over yet.  

As I am writing this today, Tuesday, I am thinking about all the developments in the country, my birth city — Tagbilaran, and my island province of Bohol . . . how a navy soldier lost a thumb — utterly despicable and I can’t comprehend our country’s light response to this brutality but are we ready to fight China?; the local political scene where a local party is declaring their intent to run as early as June — someone asked me why so soon, well, for various reasons but that’s for another story; the conversion of an area that has served the Tagbilaranons and Boholanos quite well as a venue for farmers’ markets; affordable al fresco dining place during city occasions and events; exercise, biking, and Zumba; plant display; among others, into a  call center — one I couldn’t fathom at all, seeing how it cemented the Boholanos’ love for the outdoors and a point of convergence for being “Tapukanan.” I can only chuckle at these decisions.

Romancing June is simply bliss. Praying for more sensational days capped by a trip where I can soak in the culture and history of the place and its people, and write story after story about it. In the meantime, I remain a grateful child of God.


The writer hosts Woman Talk with Belinda Sales every Saturday, 10:00 a.m. at 91.1 Balita FM Tagbilaran City. Email at belindabelsales@gmail.com. X @ShilohRuthie./PN


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