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Love misunderstood
LOVE can often be misconstrued. Learn to express it in the simplest and clearest manner possible.
Sometimes we find ourselves figuring out the actions of people around us, and then we become prone assuming things and this leads to irreversible complications. That is why it is best that you talk things over and lay the cards down on the table.
Under our Family Code, it is necessary that the consent to take your spouse was not viated by any form of threat, force or intimidation or concealment. The consent required under Article 2 of the Family Code should be freely given, not assumed or construed. It should be expressed.
There are instances, however, when the consent in marriage was construed and assumed, only to realize later on that one of them was half-hearted in committing to the marriage.
I don’t know how to put myself in such situation. For one, I feel as though it could be something good and something bad.
I think it is best that you know of this early on before you both commit to something long-term, before it’s too late for you to realize that you’re not ready to commit or is not ready for a lifelong relationship with a person.
Sometimes having cold feet could be a blessing; it could lead you to something more beautiful than the one you have now.
It could also be heartbreaking but sometimes it is best that you get hurt by one big blow than be subjected to prolonged pain by holding on to something half-heartedly given.
Love should be understood in a language you both understand and both know. It should be expressed in words and ways which give no room for misinterpretation.
Love should be agreed by both and understood by both. For love when pure is never vague./PN