Rice price cap less likely to last – Defensor

Palay harvest now starts in Iloilo province. The harvest season is expected to stabilize rice prices. DWAYNE FRANCIS MORBO FACEBOOK PHOTO
Palay harvest now starts in Iloilo province. The harvest season is expected to stabilize rice prices. DWAYNE FRANCIS MORBO FACEBOOK PHOTO

ILOILO – With farmers begin to harvest palay, Gov. Arthur Defensor Jr. said the price ceiling on rice is less likely to last long.

“Ang harvest [season] ara na. Malain ang sitwasyon kon mag-kickoff na gid ang harvest. Ginapa-monitor naton subong kaupod ang aton mga kabanwahanan. The situation is dynamic,” said Defensor.

The Department of Agriculture (DA) Region 6 confirmed the arrival of 5,000 metric tons of imported rice recently, which would stabilize the supply in markets across the region.

In the province, according to the governor, supply is not an issue.

“We are sufficient,” stressed Defensor.

Being over 100 percent rice-sufficient, Iloilo can supply rice to other regions in the Luzon area, he said.

This year, the provincial government projects rice production to reach 822,819.20 metric tons.

Here is breakdown of the actual harvest from January to August 2023:

* January – 144,600.46 metric tons

* February – 129,481.74 metric tons

* March – 35,543.62 metric tons

* April – 25,878.68 metric tons

* May – 18,456.08 metric tons

* June – 4,089.32 metric tons

* July – 928.20 metric tons

* August – 8,435.70 metric tons

Projected production from September to December 2023:

* September – 221,559.72 metric tons

* October – 139,538.37 metric tons

* November – 35,113.41 metric tons

* December – 59,193.90 metric tons

January to July rice performance is based on actual reports from the local government units (LGUs), while the presumption or projection average yield per month for August to December is based on the average for production for 2020 to 2023.

Defensor also confirmed that the provincial government had cascaded the presidential order to 43 LGUs.

Right now, gin-cascade naton, ginpaagi na sang DA sa provincial government ang pag-monitor and profile, not that we are doing it, but kay ti ang aton municipalities amo na ang nagabulig monitor and profile – monitor the implementation and profile the retailers,” said the governor.

The provincial and municipal price coordinating councils were also ordered to monitor the harvest of palay this season.

Financial assistance

Defensor clarified that rice financial assistance was not included in the executive budget for 2023 of the provincial government.

Although there are other sources, like the disaster fund, there is a need to declare a state of calamity.

Ang pundo sang probinsya wala sang insakto nga amo sina. Puede naton mapangitaan sang medyos pareho sa iban naton nga problema nga ginapangitaan sang solution but is not readily there. We have disaster fund but kinahanglan pa ang declaration of calamity,” explained the governor.

This is aside from the P15,000 one-time assistance to rice retailers and P5,000 for sari-sari stores through the Department of Social Welfare and Development./PN


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