ROXAS City – A six-year-old girl confined at the Temporary Treatment and Management Facility (TTMF) of the city government here has recovered from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) – the first patient of the newly opened facility.
She was discharged from the facility on Oct. 18 and got a surprise “send-off” from the facility’s frontliners.
In a video uploaded on Facebook, the girl was ushered out of the facility by cheering frontliners. They gifted her with balloons, a teddy bear and a cake.
“Our hearts are filled with joy to have been instruments in the healing and saving of a young child’s life,” according to the TTMF frontliners in a statement.
Mayor Ronnie Dadivas cited the frontliners and said, “Ang mahatagan opurtunidad nga mangin tulay sa pag-ayo kag pagkasalbar sang iya kabuhi, nagahatag sa amon sang dugang nga kusog kag kabakod agud magpadayon sa pagpakigbato sa COVID-19 pandemic.”
The city government formally opened the TTMF in Hortus Botanicus on Oct. 4 for mild and moderate COVID-19 cases to ease the unclog hospitals being overwhelmed with patients.
The mild and moderate cases of COVID-19 being accommodated at the TTMF must be residents of Roxas City and referred by hospitals.
The TTMF has 16 rooms with its own doctors, nurses and nursing aides.
It is equipped with medical equipment like oxygen, oxygen concentrators, and high flow cannula, among others.
Each TTMF room has a security camera, wireless internet connection, air-conditioning, and intercom./PN