Safety is top priority

AS ILOILO City’s Dinagyang Festival draws near, an air of excitement intermingled with safety and security concerns blankets the city. The Iloilo City Police Office (ICPO) has set an ambitious yet crucial goal: ensuring a crime-free festival.

The Dinagyang Festival, a cultural and religious celebration known for its vibrant street parties, tribe dances and colorful costumes, attracts not just local enthusiasts but also a global audience. With the influx of tourists, both local and international, the ICPO’s approach towards maintaining peace and order is both timely and essential. The emphasis on “zero major incidents” is not just a target but a promise to every festival-goer that their safety is the top priority.

The commitment of an estimated 1,000 police personnel to augment the city’s forces reflects the seriousness with which the ICPO is approaching this matter. This massive deployment is not just about numbers; it’s about the visible presence of law and order, a deterrent to those who might consider disrupting the festival’s peaceful proceedings.

Reflecting on the previous year’s success, where over 70,000 revelers experienced a peaceful festival, it’s clear that the ICPO has a solid foundation to build upon. The peaceful conduct of such a large crowd is no small feat and serves as a benchmark for this year’s preparations. The enforcement of an 11-day gun ban further underscores the proactive measures being taken to prevent any form of violence.

Complementing the efforts of the ICPO, the Iloilo City Traffic Management Unit (ICTMU) plays a crucial role in managing the logistical challenges posed by such a large-scale event. Traffic rerouting plans, road closures, and contingency measures are essential components of ensuring that the festival is not just safe but also enjoyable for everyone. Their initial orientation, aimed at preparing traffic enforcers, police auxiliaries, and green guards, highlights the multi-dimensional approach needed to manage an event of this magnitude.

The call for public cooperation in respecting and following traffic rules is a reminder that the responsibility for a successful festival does not lie solely on the shoulders of the police and traffic management units. It is a collective effort that requires the participation and cooperation of every attendee.

Iloilo City’s celebration of culture and tradition must go hand in hand with the unwavering commitment to safety and security.


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