(This is the fifth installment of the seven-part series on “A Day in the Life of Peter Solis Nery”. Previously, the great PSN woke up with a big woody for life, explained why he continues to write for the reliable Panay News, meditated on cooking in the nude, and stocked on six flavors of ice cream.)
You came back home for lunch.
You decided that that last bagel is starting to get moldy.
There was a spot of blue-green mold on it already.
You smelled the bagel.
If it’s not smelling rotten, it’s good to eat.
That’s your philosophy.
So, you scraped out the moldy spot, inspected the bagel inside and out for more mold.
Finding no more, you smiled.
This bagel is lunch.
You are not feeling curry today.
So, you just took a portion of your adobo leftover from 17 days ago.
You melted some butter, made fresh achuete sauce, and heated up everything in a sauce pan.
You have a quiet lunch listening to Andrea Bocelli’s Cinema music album.
On the sleeve of the CD cover, Bocelli said, “The film world is particularly fertile ground for songwriters, because it offers their creativity such scope, setting them free from the confines of tradition, both formally and lyrically—not every song is a love song”.
You can say quite the same with your written obra.
You don’t know if your readers will like this new form you are writing with right now.
This isn’t poetry.
This isn’t an essay.
This isn’t even your usual crazy column article.
You resist the temptation of a post-lunch cup of coffee.
You decided you are going to take a nap.
Maybe watch a free Amazon Prime movie, and fall sleep on the couch.
You have checked off the three key performance indicators you have set for the day.
Except maybe for this Panay News article that goes on forever.
And this article may still go on writing until you sleep tonight.
But hey, you wanted to share with your readers how a day goes by for someone like you.
This day is kinda beautiful.
And so far, everything has been good.
This article is going to be long.
Maybe a five-part series now.
You smile.
Because it will give you enough advance column pieces that you can relax in the next few days before your upcoming August trip to the Philippines.
Before you select your movie/s of the day, you check your Facebook.
You got fans to attend to.
Birthday celebrators to greet.
You kinda feel how much you cheer these people up with those two simple words, Happy birthday.
You don’t even have to do much.
No need to remember details.
Facebook already reminded you.
All you have to do is type “Happy birthday”.
But you do the extra mile.
As you type Happy Birthday, and as you press the ‘Post’ button, you say a special prayer for their protection, and the birthday wishes of their heart.
You are kind and generous that way.
That’s why your own heart swells when they reply and say, “Thank you, Idol! So proud to be greeted by a famous Filipino writer like you.”
Or, when you could almost feel their ecstasy, “Omgggggg, thank you so muchhhhhhhh!”
After the daily birthday greetings, you check who’s awake, and who’s online, on Messenger.
You say Hi to a few that you have spoken to in the last few days.
You don’t drop the ball on people carelessly.
You always pass, and leave the ball with them.
If they move on with their lives without you, you’ll be happy, and cannot be faulted.
Just don’t let it be said that you left them, or something.
You check who has newly requested to be connected to you.
You reply to those who have left messages while you were busy doing your offline, real-life thing.
Someone needs a hug in the Pacific islands tonight, you send your cute puppy graphics with hearts and all.
A few more words of comfort.
You tell him/her, you wish you were close enough to give him/her a tight one.
They love you that way.
Because you are sincere.
Always be sincere.
It’s just a hug.
You hug people in real life.
You comfort people in real life.
You can hug them via the Internet.
Hey, you even hug people in your Panay News articles.
That’s why your readers love you.
Because you are so real to them.
You are there for them.
Sure, some people are so self-absorbed with their own misery that they can’t feel any kindness or comfort in your words.
But that’s not your fault.
If they don’t feel it, it’s their problem.
Because you believe that once you say something sincerely, it is good as the real thing.
And your word is more powerful than anything in the world.
Because it is honest and sincere. (To be continued) (500tinaga@gmail.com/PN)