So be it


I AM not good at repartee so when a friend said that my pieces in the Augustinian and the Augustinian Mirror were inscrutable, I am tempted to ask him whether the problem is with my pieces or with his own understanding. But feeling in my gut that discretion is the better part of gab, I kept silent.

But after the years – decades really – failed to answer the question, I now would like to tell him, he who prefers to stay ensconced in Jamindan, that those articles were easy to understand. And considering his enormous gift of understanding, deciphering them was child’s play.  

Truly, I am not that good, Audie. You write better, so banish that small town insecurity which is unbecoming of you.  Now that the Public Attorney’s Office has messed with your brain, there is nothing inscrutable for you anymore, including this piece which should be beyond anyone’s comprehension, including yours.

In this piece and in the forthcoming ones (are there?) I will try to be brief – concise if you like – and funny. My wife told me – no – instructed me to be – otherwise dreams die first (mine, not hers) and nothing gets born to behold the rising sun.


It is conventional wisdom to discuss fashion or the weather. Its adherents are those guys with ambassadorial tendencies and unbounded ambition – students of Bismark, Dale Carnegie and Ambassador Del Rosario all – rather than Economics or Politics.

It is better for one’s health and reputation for truth and sobriety in the long run…but it is the political season and every Juan and Juanito believes they have the inherent human right – sanctioned by the United Nations – to dip their at least clean fingers on its ramification…so be it!

Fact – one always picks the easy fight….one suffers fools…one smothers light…one shifts from left to right – politics. This animal is also an art of the possible. Remember Banderas dishing it out to the peons of Argentina?

No wonder every politician’s dream of a pact or an agreement,  even with the Devil himself (no pun intended) nor I am trying to imply that agreeable people are bad  – far from it – and saw Valhalla the moment a whiff of its possibility merely tickles the Duterte-like sensitive nostril…it is just their human…errr…political nature.

No wonder many of these Neanderthals are smiling in coffee shops nowadays. But many lesser mortals – sons and daughters of lesser gods – are licking wounds and nursing heartbreaks, including this writer, although of course I hate to admit it!

But their pleasant days will soon be over.

One can hardly relax if one is into politics – quagmired is probably a more accurate term – a road to heaven or to perdition. And you have to be in your toes always! Always! Nobody says being a politician is a walk in the park!/PN


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