So you hate Duterte

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February 12, 2018

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AND SO you hate President Rodrigo Duterte to the point that you want him to fail and drag what’s left of this country down, and it does not matter if you also live in these islands; as long as Duterte falls you’re happy.

Well moi supposes if that’s your fervent desire that’s your right no matter how stupid and silly it is. Really, who cares what you want anyway.

That hatred that consumes you has got to the point that you defend and make all kinds of justifications, even painting as wholesome and “God’s gift to the Philippines” Noynoy Aquino’s inadvertent genocide of 800,000 schoolchildren state-sponsored “Death by Dengvaxia.”

And moi is sure that the announcement that the International Criminal Court or ICC will begin “preliminary examination” on the information communicated by lawyer Jude Sabio alleging President Duterte’s “crime against humanity” (whatever that means) got you dancing in the streets even though Dinagyang is done and dusted.

Before you seriously plan to “dance in the streets” in your yellow knickers, take note that it’s a preliminary examination and not a preliminary investigation, which means that the ICC will have to determine first if that information is worth their time or not.

Even if the ICC doe s indeed want to proceed to the next step, President Duterte as President of the Philippines can simply cancel the Philippines’ membership in the ICC and ignore them. In reality the ICC is powerless to enforce anything.

Meanwhile more and more children are dying from the state-sponsored “Death by Dengvaxia.” as of the last count by the Department of Health or DOH there are already 26 schoolchildren dead and these children have one thing in common – they all have been vaccinated by that Sanofi Pasteur-manufactured experimental drug Dengvaxia.

Unlike that 7,000 or 13,000 so-called victims of “Duterte’s Drug War” these 26 kids are real corpses with names and families while the 13,000 are nameless and faceless figments of the imagination of that “Property Development and Investment Company pretending to be a media outlet, Rappler.”

What is sad is that these 26 schoolchildren that died all suffered a painful death mostly to massive organ failure i.e. their kidneys, livers burst with massive internal haemorrhages. And that is the fate that awaits the rest of the 800,000 Dengvaxia-vaccinated schoolchildren.

Excerpts from Philippine Star’s Jan. 12 issue:

”Health Secretary Francisco Duque III revealed that findings of forensic experts of the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) indicated that dengue shock syndrome led to the deaths of most of the children.

“PAO exhumed the bodies of the children and, so far, the indication is that their deaths were consistent with dengue shock syndrome,” he pointed out..

The death is consistent to dengue shock syndrome, but the charts of some of the children showed co-morbidities which means there are other illnesses. So we are trying to clear out if the other disease did not cause or hasten their deaths,” he said.

He related that the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines classified dengue shock syndrome under grade four of dengue symptoms. People with this syndrome suffer from severe plasma leakage and severe bleeding affecting the lungs, heart, kidney and liver.”

You want to talk about state-sponsored EJK or extrajudicial killing, well, look no further. This is it: under orders from then President Noynoy Aquino with funding readily made available in record time courtesy of the “magic man” former Budget secretary Florencio Abad, then Secretary of the Department of Health Janette Garin underwent a massive Dengvaxia vaccination program hitting (pun intended) 800,000 schoolchildren.

This is a state-sponsored genocide. Slowly these kids are dying one by one, a slow and agonizing death while their parents watch seemingly helpless and dying inside.

There is no doubt that the 800,000 Dengvaxia-vaccinated schoolchildren are slowly dying. Today we have 26 confirmed dead and counting, and not a sound from the usually noisy “disente” “devotees to the cult of the yellow ribbon.” The hypocrisy is deafening.

There is now a well-funded “cheer and dance” orchestrated to discredit the forensic investigations of the Department of Justice and to paint Noynoy Aquino et al. as “acting in good faith.”

We need not mention who provides the funds. It’s quite obvious, the “cheerleader” is former DOH secretary Esperanza Cabral and the “cheering team” is the so-called Doctors for Public Welfare. Well-funded indeed as they can buy expensive full page ads in the newspapers.

Cabral, meanwhile, admitted that she is a member of the board of trustees of Zuellig Family Foundation which was established by Zuellig Pharma, the distributor of Dengvaxia in the country.

So much for credibility and public welfare, check out the members of her group and you will see one way or the other a connection to the source of funds.

So you hate President Rodrigo Duterte but feel nothing for the 800,000 schoolchildren condemned by Noynoy Aquino to “Death by Dengvaxia”?

And you say that all these are just politically motivated? Indeed they are. The profit from the P3.5-billion purchase of Dengvaxia was in “aid of election” for “Daang Matuwid.” (



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