Some people are hard to kill

THE Darwin awards are for the best approaches – normally successful – to removing yourself from the gene pool.

The latest attempt by American Rebecca Clark shows how to do it in so many ways – a solo walk in a park, poor phone reception, and then getting within a few feet of a 2,000-pound bison. (Normally this ends up Bison 1, young woman 0.) Fortunately, she survived after being gored. But there is a message here, “Don’t be stupid.”

There is too much tragedy around the world, some intentional, some accidental and some plain out stupid, but all a loss and sad.

Wake up people, live in peace, enjoy smelling the roses and don’’t go near deadly animals or people.


Video killed the teacher
The shortage of teachers, especially in specialist subjects, seems to be a worldwide problem but an Australian “advisory body”, The Productivity Commission, has come up with a number of options to reverse the decline in results, including by using videos of teachers in these difficult to staff subjects.

A “perfect” teacher could produce a set of online videos for use by any and all students. The extension of this is that teachers in these subjects would no longer be needed and governments could proudly proclaim that there are now no shortages.

As a retired Specialist Maths/Physics teacher I could make myself available at a reasonable cost. My smiling face could then be seen by millions of students over the next decades and maybe finally some students might laugh at my maths jokes.


A crime is still a crime
Over time my hair has gone, a lose but a trivial one unlike the loss of hair and lives in Iran. Hair can be a beautiful part of a person and although some chose to hide it, women as well as men should be able to make that choice without fear.

Any society that would punish, and in the current case probably kill, people for their appearance deserves to be condemned and shunned. Although clothes may be less modest than in the last century, good people are still good people no matter how they appear.

Judge people by what they do and say, not what they wear. ( 


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