Special reflections


SELF-REFLECTION meditation gives us insight into our thoughts and aspirations. The more thorough the process of self-reflection, the better we recognize our thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs for what they really are.

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.

Not long ago, I passed a milestone marking 50 years since I began writing my first published article in a daily newspaper. I started keeping all the clippings since then. Believe me, it’s like a book. I guess I am still too young to write my biography. But I did finish it now. As I re-read my first articles, I was amazed, I ever kept it up. But now you couldn’t pay me to stop.

Can you imagine that there are some benefits from keeping them? From life experiences, I see that progress and failure are both parts of my journey. My columns are mostly a view into a mirror. I am reminded of God’s grace when I read (and wrote before) how He helped me to find solutions to problems. I also gained insight from past struggles that help with issues I am currently facing. I remember one of my previous columns entitled “If failures get results”.

God has indeed been faithfully working in my life.

I read a story by Dennis Fisher, who didn’t keep publishing clippings but a spiritual journal. He advised: “Journalism may be useful to you too. It can help you see more clearly what God is teaching you on life’s journey. To begin a journal, record your struggles, reflect on a verse that is especially comforting or challenging, or write a prayer of thankfulness for God’s faithfulness.”

The most awaited season of the year has finally come. For many of us, December is still a glow that blossoms across the eastern horizon bringing the promise of a new beginning.

December and Christmas should be the song to awaken our hardened hearts, to touch those people around us, who might have waited a long time for such a move.

Let’s become “new people” at last.


Email: doringklaus@gmail.com or follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter or visit www.germanexpatinthephilippines.blogspot.com or www.klausdoringsclassicalmusic.blogspot.com./PN


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