Spokesperson for Israel says Palestinians are ‘human beasts’ – UN report, 2

ISRAEL’S international reputation is in tatters and Israel’s war is criticized internationally. It appears, however, that to Israel, Palestinian life has no value and 37,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel, mostly women and children, and another 85,523 injured. Israelis will have to live with that truth and answer for that monstrous crime against humanity as the latest UN report says. That is not self-defense.

They have left thousands of small boys and girls and mothers and grandmothers wounded, bleeding, rushed to hospitals, and then the hospital is attacked, clinics bombed, schools burnt down. It is clear from the latest UN human rights report that crimes against humanity and war crimes have been committed by Israel.

According to the investigation of only six bombing strikes out of thousands, the evidence powerfully points to crimes against humanity and war crimes by Israel for the indiscriminate killing of hundreds of civilians by the use of massive bombs. These were likely supplied by the United States. 

The press release from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights says in part: “The UN Human Rights Office published an assessment today on six emblematic attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza last year that led to high numbers of civilian fatalities and widespread destruction of civilian objects, raising serious concerns under the laws of war with respect to the principles of distinction, proportionality and precautions in attack.”

The report details six emblematic attacks involving the suspected use of GBU-31 (2,000 lbs), GBU-32 (1,000 lbs) and GBU-(250 lbs) bombs from 9 October to 2 December 2023 on residential buildings, a school, refugee camps and a market. The UN Human Rights Office verified 218 deaths from these six attacks, and said information received indicated the number of fatalities could be much higher.

In the report, the following was quoted: “Another IDF official was quoted as saying “Hamas and the residents of Gaza” are “human beasts” and “are dealt with accordingly. Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza. No electricity and no water, just damage. You wanted hell, you will get hell.”

The report concludes that the series of Israeli strikes, exemplified by the six incidents, indicates that the IDF may have repeatedly violated fundamental principles of the laws of war. In this connection, it notes that unlawful targeting when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, in line with a State or organizational policy, may also implicate the commission of crimes against humanity./PN


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