St. Peter of the newspapers

HAPPY New Year.

And happy 50th year to me!

I don’t turn 50 until Sunday, January the 6th.

But I might as well announce it, and greet myself, here.

I’m in Puerto Rico.

Been here since Dec. 31.

And I’m staying until Jan. 10.

This mini-vacation is a birthday treat for myself.


I’m not big on celebrating holidays.

My husband died in December 2014.

That kind of ruined Christmases for me.

But even before my husband came into my life, I’ve chalked up Christmas as just another day, another season.

In fact, since immigrating to the USA and working as a nurse in 2006, I’ve always volunteered to work the Christmas holiday schedules at the hospital.

Aside from the holiday pay, I kind of like the idea of giving working mothers more time with their kids.


I like Christmas.

But not very much.

In my twenties, I spent many Christmases with the urban poor of Iloilo City.

I used to walk the city streets, Ortiz Street and the Calle Real area, on Christmas Eve giving food packages to the homeless.

I was very poor then.

Working a job that probably pays a little below minimum wage.

But I like playing Santa Claus.

Even in my poverty.


So, understand why very early on, I was kind of disenchanted with the Merry Christmas idea.

Well, actually, No.

Rather, I should say that, Early on, I tried to make everyday a Christmas Day.

I made that my life philosophy.

Give love, forgive, understand and accept things, every freaking day, 365 days a year.

So yeah, I’m that kind of guy.

Despite what nasty rumors you heard about me, I’m really a nice, compassionate guy.

Other than my so-called vanity, I actually have the making of a saint in me.


This year, my 50th, I have decided to be more saintly than ever.

That doesn’t mean I will be less fun.

Or less irreverent, especially on the newspaper page.

But I will strive to be more proactive in my saintly ministries.

Like visiting prisons, praying for the sick, caring for widows and orphans.

Like making “blind” people see things in perspective as I continue to be a media influencer (follow me on Facebook), and effective life coach (check out my Instagram).


My critics and detractors have backed down.

There aren’t many who call me egotistical anymore.

I mean, after 18 years in the Ilonggo media, people have seen that I haven’t really done anyone any harm.

I mean, sure, I have squashed a few ignoramuses out of shape in my writings until they believed how stupid they were.

But those people were asking for it in the first place.

And if you are truly honest, you know you enjoyed how I slew them.

Beat them at their own game.


Because this is also true:

Whatever I do to my “enemies”, I do them for you, my dear readers.

I do not need to be perceived as triumphant.

Because I am already, and always, triumphant!

In real life, I am happy and successful.

Content and compassionate.

Forgiving even.


But you —

You need to see that I am always victorious.

That I overcome obstacles.

That I win battles.

Because many of you identify with me.

Because I articulate your desires.

Because I fight the battles for you.

I settle big and small wars for you.

I am your hero.


And so, we go back to the question.

Why does Peter Solis Nery write for the newspapers?

The answers are many, but simple.

Because there is a readership out there.

Because he still has a great, and undeniable, relevance.

Because he is a refreshing voice, and the world is a little boring without him.

Because he is brilliant.

And smart readers, who are seeking something, always take away something from his writings.


Because in the world of fake news, alternative truths, social media and flash-in-the-pan celebrities, he is genuine.

He reeks of truth at the time when Truth stinks.

He is uncompromising.

Vulgar at the time when Truth needs to be said raw, explicit, without sugarcoating.

And in that sense, he is a hero.

A saint. (


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