State U: We’re not NPA breeding ground

Aklan State University
Aklan State University

KALIBO, Aklan – Aklan State University (ASU) denied being a recruitment ground for communist rebels.

The university is one with peace-loving Aklanons in denouncing the criminal activities of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), stressed university president Dr. Emily Arangote in a statement.

ASU was in the list of schools targeted for communist radicalization, according to the National Task Force to End Local Communists Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) recently.

ASU has a main campus in Banga town, with four other campuses in Kalibo, Ibajay, Makato, and New Washington.

ASU focuses on agriculture, fishery, arts and sciences, engineering and technology, and education. Formerly known as the Aklan State College of Agriculture and the Aklan Agricultural College, the institution gained university status on April 4, 2001 with the signing of Republic Act 9055 by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Arangote said the university, even during the terms of her predecessors, has “not been aware of any recruitment by the CCP-NPA inside the hallowed grounds of ASU, nor have authorities apprised the university of such activities.”

“What is clear, however, is the mutual partnership of this institution and the government in bringing about development in the countryside as we are situated in a bustling agro-industrial region,” Arangote said.

ASU is a member of the coordinating team of the regional ELCAC project with Kapatiran Para sa Progresong Panlipunan, Inc (Kapatiran) in upland Ibajay town.

Kapatiran is an association of former rebels, particularly those of the Rebolusyonaryong Partidong Manggagawa Pilipinas, Revolutionary Army – Alex Boncayao Brigade.

Arangote, however, said the university will continue to be “a citadel of freedom and democracy”.

“The university governance will sustain the guaranteed right to free speech and assembly of our faculty and students and the whole ASU community,” she said.

Also, it will continue to respect the free expression of ideas and uphold the advancement of dignity of human persons, freedom and independence, she added.

“ASU has not and will never support, nor allow, any violent movement aimed at overthrowing the government. We will not allow communist-terrorist groups to destroy the future of our students,” the statement read.

A dialogue was held between ASU officials and the regional ELCAC on Jan. 28.

Major Cenon Pancito III, spokesperson of the Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (3ID), said they were glad that ASU opened its doors to ELCAC. (PNA/PN)


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