STUPIDITY is, of course, knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing the lies.
Here’s the perfect example of stupidity – as of this moment COVID-19 positive cases are increasing in the country, particularly in Metro Manila where more than 50 percent of those positive cases are recorded and what do the usual suspects do? Why, of course they blame the government.
That could very well be the case if the government unleashed the virus COVID-19 to the population but that’s not the case. Since Day 1 when the virus became a pandemic, the government gave very simple instructions to prevent the virus from spreading and infecting people. At that time there was no vaccine yet and as the old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.
And these were the simple medical protocols to follow to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
1. Wear facemask (proper one, and properly of course)
2. Practice social distancing
3. Wash your hands or disinfect with alcohol
4. Stay at home; avoid going out unless absolutely necessary
The rationale, of course, is that people are the vectors for the spread of the virus and the virus is transmitted by droplets from the saliva of an infected person and enters the body through the mouth and nose, hence the facemask.
Since people are the vectors of the virus, if there are less people and they are far apart, it prevents the spread of the virus.
These are very simple things to do and a grade school learner will have no problem understanding and following them. If followed properly it will prevent the spread of the virus and infection of people to a very significant number.
Why, if people follow these protocols properly, there is really no need for a lockdown. We can go about our normal business with minimum inconvenience.
Of course, that’s not what happened, particularly now as people went about wearing the mask covering their chin and not the mouth and nose, with no social distancing. They just have to attend fiestas, weddings, funeral wakes, birthday parties, go to the mall and the ubiquitous cockfight, and don’t forget religious gatherings. I’m guessing these people are in a hurry to see their God.
So the COVID-19 positive cases continue to surge and they blame the government.
The government has been doing its part, and have you been following properly these simple protocols?
Again I’m guessing, no. But of course you have to blame the government because it’s their fault you got infected after attending the fiesta or attending that funeral wake.
Your health is your responsibility and not anybody else, not even the government. Self-preservation is supposed to be your primary concern. The bravado and inherent disdain for following simple instructions of the Filipino is one if not the main reason why COVID-19 positive cases continue to go up.
The virus is transmitted by droplets of saliva from the mouth of an infected person through cough or sneeze and enters your body through your mouth or nose when you breathe.
Wearing a proper mask (disposable surgical mask or the N95 kind) properly covering your mouth and nose will prevent this from happening and also prevent the infected person, if he/she is wearing a mask, to infect others is it so hard to understand that.
You may argue that it is your right not to wear a facemask (not in Iloilo City as there’s a specific ordinance making it mandatory to wear facemask) but you have no right to get yourself infected and infect other people.
Unfortunately for most Filipinos, it is very difficult to understand that, so I’ll just park these:
Stupid is having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense and stupidity is a behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.
And while we’re on the subject of stupidity, here’s more; this time flavored with desperation and so completely out of touch with reality. After almost six years of Duterte, the best the usual suspects can come up with is 1Sambayanan. Same old shit really, no creativity at all.
From the Liberal Party to Tindig Pilipinas, Otcho Derecho and now 1Sambayanan…as I said, same shit different day.
However you package them Carpio, Morales and Del Rosario will always epitomize the face of losers. Add Robredo and Trillanes and you have the perfect image of pathetic losers. (brotherlouie16@gmail.com)/PN