
FROM riding in a garbage truck to becoming, yet again, the most powerful person is the world, Donald Trump is here for the next four years.

Let’s hope he doesn’t trash:

* the economy

* the health system

* the fight against climate change

* the freedom to oppose

* the rights of women to live their lives as they want

* the safety of the downtrodden and endangered especially in war torn countries

Many will worry about the path he is likely to follow and the people he will take with him.


Killing journalists is not funny

At a rally in Lititz, Donald Trump said, “…And to get me, somebody would have to shoot through the fake news. And I don’t mind that so much.” This was followed by laughter instead of condemnation.

So often there are reports of journalists being killed, some well-known including Jamal Khashoggi, some unknown including well over 100 in the current Israel-Gaza war. They are not unknown to their families, friends and co-workers but to the public there are too many to hear much of them.

Why are journalist killed?

It is rarely accidental, even in wars, but it occurs because they tell the truth and people don’t want to hear that or allow others to.

Donald Trump must support free and independent journalism but he doesn’t.

Why not?


Still don’t believe?

Last week my brother returned from holidaying in Spain including Valencia where he was one of many tourists happily wandering around the city. It looked like a very lovely place.

This week the image of Valencia I see on the news is one of destruction and death.

Is there anyone that seriously doubts climate change isn’t real?


Worn out

It is obvious that the more people exercise and play sport, the better they will be in terms of both physical and mental health. So why are some out-of-date and sexist rules stopping them?

There are some countries and cultures that expect women to be dressed modestly but this time it was a case of being required to dress less modestly or not play.

The player Iqra Ismail, a previous captain of the Somalian team, now a United Kingdom player, was told she had to play football in shorts rather than a tracksuit. She chose not to play and missed that game despite having previously worn the tracksuit on many other occasions.

Some sports have prescribed uniform measurements with one of the most restrictive having been women’s beach volleyball although not the male players.

The costumes were too small, especially when they were going to be in the sand a lot of the time. Fortunately this minimalist restriction was removed for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

It is time to get more people playing sports and letting them dress in a way they are comfortable with./PN


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