Tax to charity

THERE are reports that Barcelona is considering legal action in relation to a newspaper publishing details of a contract for Lionel Messi.

There seems to be little worry that he is being paid US$600 million (£492 million) for three years’ work which is a little more than I earned as a teacher (I’m now retired) on about US$60,000 (£50,000) with 35 years’ experience.

I have no reservations about Lionel Messi who seems a brilliant player and a good person but with the pay he is getting. At present the US minimum wage is $7.50 an hour, although it may soon double, which for a 40-hour week would take about 40,000 years to earn, I double checked that approximation!

It takes Messi about three days to earn what I learnt in a life! Admittedly someone who is one of the best in the world will earn more but how much more? Lots of numbers to consider but that’s what comes from being a retired math teacher.

Maybe there should be a maximum salary a person can keep, say a million a year and everything about that goes to charity. A few sportspeople, business executives and pop stars might not like it, but a lot of charities would.

Give to charity and tax to charity as well.


A warm winner
Everyone has probably seen the Bernie Sander’s photo of him rugged up with the mittens and then the numerous memes of it and although it was mostly a funny picture and a few laughs, a handmade crotched doll of it has now raised over US$40,000 for meals on wheels. This is a charity that the senator supports.

It is an interesting story that combines amusement, generosity and the reality that there are a lot of people who are cold and hungry and that any help will be appreciated. Probably the greatest benefit is the publicity meals-on-wheels will get and it should encourage all that we should help those less well-off, especially in the COVID times.


A better day
The Biden administration has made one big change already by appointing scientists to science positions.

Now it will be vaccinations, not anti-vaccinators; astronomers, not astrologers; science, not séances; climate change scientists, not climate change deniers.

And none of the appointments seem to be family members.

And now Dr. Anthony Fauci can present the science without fear.

One day in and the world already looks better. (


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