The colonial racism we must protest, 2


(Continued from Sept. 9, 2022)

TO THE ETERNAL shame and disgrace of Britain, those dark-skinned, Muslim asylum seekers and refugees like the Ukrainians are fleeing similar Russian and Assad bombings in Syria and the other oppressive regimes. No British family for them, they are being held in immigration prisons and have been arrested on the beaches as they land from rubber dinghies seeking asylum. For the British government, the white Ukrainian refugees are the right ones, the dark-skinned Muslims are wrong for Britain and other countries that discriminate on race. If returned to their countries of origin, they are likely to be jailed, tortured, or killed, Britain is determined to deport them without asylum hearings as is their right by International Law. They brand them illegals, treat them as they would convicts and bundle them on a Spanish chartered plane costing US$ 500,000 a trip, and transport them to Rwanda in Africa, no less. The first flight was canceled by successful legal action by their defenders. 
The British policy is an unchristian, hard-hearted, cruel, harsh unjust punishment, devoid of justice and compassion. It is approved by heartless British judges whose colonial forebears deported 160,000 Irish men and women to Australia for life for committing petty offenses like stealing bread to stay alive during a famine. No Ukrainians will be deported, not unless they are dark-skinned or non-Christian. This deportation policy is sinful racism, bringing shame and disgrace to the British government and embarrassment to the good caring non-racist English people. 
The Church of England and Wales and most UK charities and non-government organizations stand against it. Legal action by the European Court of Human Rights stopped the first deportation flight but more will come. Britain has a signed deal with Rwanda and has paid about $150,000 down-payment to Rwanda to accept them, suffering human beings treated like garbage shipped abroad.   
This British government’s inhuman racist policy, supported by 44 % of Britons and opposed by 40%, is to deport people for petty infringements of “wrongdoings” is not new. It was common practice for the British in occupied colonial Ireland that was suffering famine and starvation. They would convict anyone for stealing bread or taking clothes from a clothesline and other misdemeanors and punish them with life-long deportation or “transport” to Australia, never to return.
From 1791 to 1867, a period of 76 years, the British tore Irish men and women from their families and communities, convicted them as criminals for petty offenses, and transported them to Australia. They did this to a staggering 160,000 Irish men and women allegedly like “slave” labor to provide labor and populate Australia. An estimated 20% of the Australian population are descended from convicts. While 10% only admit they are of Irish descent. 
While Britain convicted the Irish for stealing a loaf of bread and exiled them to Australia it stole a whole continent from the Aboriginal people. That was no small crime. It appears racism continues today in Australia as in Britain. Aborigines make up 28 percent of the adult prisoners in Australian jails but they are only three percent of the entire population. Up to 68 percent of juveniles in detention are aboriginal.

The new British destination today for unwanted, dark-skinned asylum seekers of a different religion is Rwanda, a land from which no asylum seeker, like the Irish sent to Australia, can ever return. More on this at


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