The grit of Jessica

JESSICA Besorio Dioquino was our guest on “Woman Talk with Belinda Sales Canlas” on Oct. 9, 2021. She narrated her compelling story as a college working student that resonated well with our audience causing them to post positive messages online.
Her grit and patience enabled her to finish her course, Food and Beverage Preparation and Services at the General Santos School of Arts and Trade while doing odd jobs to support herself since she comes from a big family of seven kids. These include eatery washer, household help, baby caregiver, among others.

Jessi said, “Kung working student ka, di ka mamili trabaho” (If you’re a working student, you don’t pick jobs). “Trabaho lang.”

She also said that in the course of her work, she learned a lot about life. Indeed, when you are a teenager and a working student at that, how can you not learn about life? We can say that at an early age, Jessi already enrolled in the School of Hard Knocks, so to speak.

Presently, she is the president of the United Night Vendors Association (UNVA) of Barangay Fatima in General Santos City. The group is happy that Barangay officials of Famita led by Barangay Chairperson Renante D. Curit has assisted them to organize themselves and has even provided a space for them at Employees Village to set up their association’s livelihood. Through a Resolution, UNVA can use the location temporarily. However, temporary, or not, being given a space makes UNVA members grateful that they make sure the area is clean. They frequently undertake clearing and housekeeping. Good job UNVA!

So far, UNVA has undergone trainings for business capacitation provided by the Department of Trade and Industry with trainers from Mindanao State University-General Santos City. These include Household Small-Scale Business Marketing and Finance Strategy. They are also thinking of holding a training on how to minimize expenses out of their income.

Kudos to the women and men of UNVA who commit to grow as an association and as individuals. Kudos to the Barangay officials for enabling these vendors to earn their keep.


Wednesday evening, we officially started our public speaking class. I am extremely glad to have six committed individuals participating in our first session. Complying with the new normal, the session was held virtually. Oh, how I miss face to face public speaking classes! Nevertheless, we need to adjust with the times.

Like all my classes, after each set of inputs, we immediately proceeded to speech delivery. I am a believer of practice. It builds discipline. Our class consists of individuals with different passions and involved in varied professions. However, they share one thing in common, the quest for learning and self-improvement.

Thank you, ladies, and gentlemen! To more fun days!


Tomorrow, our guest for “Woman Talk with Belinda Sales Canlas” at 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. via 98.3 Home Radio General Santos and carried live on our FB Page, “Woman Talk with Belinda Sales Canlas” is Engr. Randy Pastolero, PEE, currently Executive Assistant to the Mayor for Power and Utilities of the city government of Iloilo.

I am excited to learn about how Iloilo City formed Task Force Alambre and how it implemented Executive Order (EO) No. 145 (An Executive Order Reconstituting Iloilo City Task Force Alambre) because we have seen with our own eyes the outcome of their work: the cleanliness, housekeeping, and aesthetic of the city.

The functions of Task Force Alambre include:

1) Coordinate with the respective utility companies (Telecom, Cable, and Distribution Utility) for the swift and proper implementation of the EO;

2) Retrieve drop cables and wires that are inactive;

3) Refix and re-bundle wires and cables that are sagging, lying low, and dangling in order to straighten and arrange the same;

4) Propose and recommend to the SP a comprehensive plan involving all stakeholders for the outlining and laying out of posts and wiring within the territorial jurisdiction of Iloilo City; and

5) Act in accordance with and adhere to proper engineering standards.

Having served the power industry for nearly 20 years, it’s second nature to me to observe the condition of transmission lines, distribution lines, and the like, and mind how good housekeeping is practiced or not. Sadly, it’s not practiced in General Santos City.

But then, if Iloilo City can do it, General Santos City certainly can!


Food for Thought

Practice good housekeeping. A place for everything and everything in its place. – Workplace Housekeeping Quotes


Writer can be reached at Twitter @ShilohRuthie./PN


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