The sins of #ThePSN, Part 1

I DO MY whoring in the city.

People who do Grindr in Iloilo City know that.

How often I do it, nobody really knows.

I’m not about to expose all my sexual habits to you!

Suffice it to say that I am a sex positive person.

That I get all the sex that I want, not necessarily the sex that I deserve.


I’m too proud to have sex in my hometown.

I mean, maybe I will get there someday, but not today.

Oh, no! 

Definitely, not today.

No to f*cking my neighbors! Haha.

At least, not for now. 


Don’t get me wrong.

I sell myself as a sexy old man in my town.

I run around in Dumangas.

Run—that’s the thing.

Compared to the walking that most people my age do.

I run 3kms to my farm.

But mostly 4,000 steps in the plaza nowadays.


Someone told me ages ago that the perimeter of the town square is 1km.

I didn’t bother to measure it by myself, but I can believe it.

So, yeah, I would do four rounds of running.

I got big strides!


Sometimes, I run in the nude.

Depending on the time of the day.

And depending on the weather.
Do you really expect me to wear clothes while running at 5:00 in the morning?

Or in the rain?

Wouldn’t wet clothes make running more difficult?


So, yeah, me, sexy, but not really available to motherf*ckers.

I just love the feel of being desired.

Of being watched.

Of being talked behind my back.

Again, 53, sexy, running, me.


The craziest in the world.


On Grindr, most people do not know me even within the 5-mile radius.

Well, it tells you about the demographic of my local Grindr.
Gen Z!

It also tells you about the literacy rate of the Philippines. Haha!

I’m a writer, they are not readers. Haha!


Occasionally, there are the enlightened few.

Young fans.

Who wonder how well I kiss.

Or, are turned on by my erotic writing.


I already told you about that 22-year old boy I kissed and made out with for hours.

Well, we hooked up when I stayed the night in the city.

He stayed with me in my hotel room.

We cuddled until the morning.

We had Jollibee take out for dinner.

Young people!

I wanted to take him to some decent dinner, and all he wanted was Jollibee.


There is no way I’m going to “ship” this boy.

He’s too closeted.

I’m too sexy.

And too out there. 

If he only wants to be a fubu, I’m fine with that.

Oh, but I miss him every now and then. Haha.

And apparently, he follows my column.

So yeah, literate fan, literate fubu.


What about the boys in my town?

Well, how many hours of bath do they need to convince me they’re worth it?

And if they have to beg for it, do I really want to give it?

Now, let’s qualify “beg”.

For me, when people are being fresh, and they call me “ga” from ‘palangga’, then, they’re just asking for it.

It’s cringey.

And I don’t know, but it makes me think that they’re prostitutes.


This is the strange thing about me:

I have no problem hooking up with strangers if I’m sure that I’m not seeing them again.

But sex in my own backyard, in my hometown?



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