MY FELLOW Filipinos:
I am publishing here a letter that was sent to me by my brother Rey, an architect and town planner in New Jersey.
I am publishing this letter as I received it, in memory of my father, and in memory of those days when honesty was the norm among ordinary men and women who lived in our country.
I also remember that in those days, corruption and dishonesty among government was the exception, rather than the rule. Are we ever going back to those days?
The Letter
In May 2023, my wife Arlene and I were honored with an invitation to dine at Almont Inland Resort, extended by my father’s good friend, Mr. Felipe Gumagay and his family.
Mr. Gumagay, the proprietor of Ever Hardware in Butuan City, shared a rich story with my father, Federico — affectionately known as “Dick” among friends — as both were active members of the Knights of Columbus from the 1960s through the 1990s, a period when many of Butuan’s devout Catholic men joined the organization.
The dinner was Mr. Gumagay’s way of celebrating their enduring friendship.
As the evening unfolded, he shared reflections that filled me with immense pride for my father. He described my father as the sincerest person he had ever encountered. To be sincere is to possess virtues like honesty, integrity, authenticity, empathy, humility, respectfulness, trustworthiness, open-mindedness, responsibility, and consistency. Such individuals are genuine in their actions and interactions, treating themselves and others with kindness and respect.
Hearing Mr. Gumagay speak so fondly of my father was profoundly touching. His words are a testament to a legacy I aspire to uphold, one that I hope will inspire pride in my children just as it does in me.
My friends, please also allow me to share with you how my father’s honesty has led me to marry my beautiful wife who bore me two wonderful children.
My wife comes from a political family in Butuan City with diverse business interests. Long ago, my father decided to run as a city councilor in the same political party as my wife’s uncle. To cut a long story short, my father received some campaign funds from my wife’s family. My father won the election in the city proper, but he lost in the barrios. After that however, he saw it fit to return what remained of the campaign funds to my wife’s family.
As it happened, some people were amused at what he did, for returning the money, but that was who he was, he was an honest man.
Years later, when I was courting my wife, her mother conducted a background investigation about me. Unfortunately, she could not find out anything good about me, except that I went to a good school, and I had a respectable job.
On the downside, I was also fond of some youthful habits at that time. However, she found out that I was the son of Dick Señeres, the honest man who lost the election, but won the respect of her family for returning the remainder of the money that they gave.
That, my friends, is the story of how I became the beneficiary of my father’s honesty./PN