JUST when you thought his image couldn’t get any worse, US President Donald Trump is accused of criticizing the Armed Forces.
The Atlantic magazine has written that in 2018 Mr .Trump cancelled a visit to a US cemetery in France because he said it was “filled with losers.”
You wouldn’t think anyone could say that but he considered John McCain, a war hero, “a loser” because he was captured in the Vietnam War.
Of course, Trump was exempted from serving in Vietnam as he had bone spurs in his feet.
A quote from the Bible, which Mr. Trump proudly displays, although upside down, that reflects the general view on the matter is, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
A final thought comes from The ANZAC Day reading from the Ode of Remembrance that is worth all reflecting on.
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Be careful and protect others
The disqualification of Novak Djokovic from the US Open for hitting a line umpire with the ball is symbolic of a number of problems the world faces.
It was a simple act of frustration and a lack of self-control that led to someone being hurt, although fortunately not seriously, and it is obvious that there was no intention to cause any harm.
His apology included a realization that he needed to consider his actions more carefully.
The point about this is that it is becoming a common approach around the world in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are too many people doing whatever they feel like and it is not only hurting people but killing them.
Those that refuse to wear a mask, even when it is required by law, would surely not want to kill anyone but that can happen.
A heavy financial cost for Djokovic for a mistake in a tennis match does not compare to the cost of the death of people when an unmasked person spreads the pandemic.
We all need to show maturity and try to protect everyone by fighting this horrible disease in every way possible.
The truth is out there – somewhere
Why have two Australian journalists working in China, Bill Birtles and Mike Smith, suddenly gone to their embassy and then quickly returned to Australia?
Is it because another Australian journalist Cheng Lei, who works for an official Chinese media organization, has been detained and held by authorities?
The Chinese government had wanted to speak to them, and this has not always been a positive experience for journalists there and in a number of countries around the world.
Journalism has been under attack ranging from Donald Trump’s “Fake News” and “Alternative Facts” through to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, but who should fear the truth?
The same concerns are being reported worldwide, or at least in countries that have a free press, and the concerns are the same. The facts should be reportable and then discussed honestly, openly and more importantly without fear of retribution.
Retribution seems like an exaggeration, but people have died to tell the truth.
“The truth is out there” but can we be sure we are getting an accurate and complete news report?
Keep fighting. (dfitzger@melbpc.org.au/PN)