‘Tired, hungry’ NPA official yields

ILOILO – After 10 years of being a high-ranking official of the New People’s Army (NPA), a resident of Oton town turned himself in to the Philippine National Police (PNP) yesterday.    

Ronnie Cañon of Barangay Tagbac Sur was a revolutionary tax regional collector of the NPA’s Southern Front Committee under the Coronacion WalingWalingChiva Command.

He had a string of criminal cases to include:

*   rebellion (Criminal Case No. 18-83052 with bail bond of P200,000);

*   two counts of frustrated murder with bail bond of P200,000 each case; and

*   four counts of attempted murder with bail of P120,000 each case.

The arrest warrants were issued by Judge Gemalyn Faunillo-Tarol of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 31.

Cañon surrendered to the Tubungan police station around 6 a.m.

According to Police Lieutenant Martin Pugales, Tubungan police chief, Cañon joined to the rebel group sometime in 2010 and most of his assignments were in southern Iloilo.

He left the group in October this year and went home, Pugales said.

“According to him, he was tired of hiding and suffering from hunger. He wanted to rest,” Pugales said.

Pugales said they will refer Cañon to the Armed Forces of the Philippines if he could avail himself of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program./PN


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