Tough times make tough people

THE PHILIPPINE Bar examination is the professional licensure examination for lawyers in the country. The highest percentage of Bar exam passers was in 1954 with 75.17 percent, while the lowest was in 1999 with 16.59%. The 2016 Bar exam had the highest number of passers with 3,747 out of 6,344 examinees or 59.06 %.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Supreme Court (SC) En Banc decided to move the 2020/2021 Bar Examinations from November 2021 to January 16 to February 6, 2022.

Recently, the SC released Bar Bulletin No. 31, S. 2022 regarding the Reduction of Bar Coverage and Shortening of the 2020/21 Bar Examinations. In its January 4, 2022 Resolution, the SC En Banc has resolved pro hac vice to: (a.) reduce the coverage; (b.) shorten the duration of the 2020/21 Bar Examinations to only two days: January 23, 2022, Sunday; and January 25, 2022, Tuesday.

This was considered in view of the pandemic and the effects of Typhoon Odette. Thru SC’s Press Release, it stressed that the changes made is “to meet the demand for new lawyers amid the disasters plaguing the country. The Philippines has produced no new lawyer since the pandemic. But while the Bar Examinations may no longer be postponed, it can be held in a way that is more humane. With these changes, the Court strikes that balance.”

The examinees will take four sets of examinations, encompassing the usually eight subjects: (1.) The Law Pertaining to the State and its Relationship with Its Citizens (formerly Political Law, Labor Law, and Taxation Law); (2.) Criminal Law; (3.) The Law Pertaining to Private Personal and Commercial Relations (formerly Civil Law and Commercial Law); and (4.) Procedure and Professional Ethics (formerly Remedial Law, Legal Ethics, and Practical Exercises).

Associate Justice Marivic MVF Leonen, 2020/21 Bar Chairperson, advised to review Bar Bulleting No. 25, s. 2021 to be guided on his instructions to examiners for the types of questions to be asked and how answers will be checked. It is emphasize that only the basic concepts of the areas mentioned in this Bar Bulletin will be covered by the examinations.

To our dear Bar examinees, remember that “tough times make tough people.” Now is a tough time and you (Bar examinees) are the tough people. I know that almost all of you are overwhelmed with the announcement in addition to the pandemic fatigue and the prolonged pressure you are experiencing. Still, focus on your mindset.

The SC strikes the balance in order for you to become lawyers. So do your part, too. As they say, “Don’t give up on the goal, change the strategy.” Have a brief pause, assess your strategy and think of the changes you can do. Reflect on your study schedule, your approaches and styles, and the way you will present your answers.

Based on Bar Bulletin No. 31, s. 2021, the scope and distribution of questions are specific. Think of a landmark case or a current event that relates to the topic. Familiarize how it was presented and decided.

Do not put too much pressure on yourself. You have prepared for the Bar and on becoming a lawyer. Cry as hard as you want – it’s part of the process. And take advantage of your remaining good days before the examinations.

See you soon in court, [future] Compañeros and Compañeras!

Stay strong, but finish stronger!/PN


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