Tricycle driver gunned down


ILOILO – A tricycle driver was gunned down outside his house in Barangay Minanga, Dueñas town.

The 46-year-old Renato Dariagan succumbed to a fatal gunshot wound on his head.

According to Police Major Eleazar Climacosa of the Dueñas police station, the unidentified gunman posed as someone asking for help at the victim’s house on Saturday, Nov. 5, saying the spark plug of his motorcycle was damaged.

Dariagan and his son looked for the tools in his tricycle, and when they didn’t find them, he ordered his son to look for them in their house. Just as the son left, a gunshot was heard.

The victim’s son immediately went back to his father and saw the suspect running away.

Officers of the Dueñas police station recovered a gun and bullets of believed to be a .45 pistol at the crime scene.

Police are still investigating a motive for the shooting and the identity of the gunman./PN


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