‘Trisikad’ driver stabs jeepney driver


ILOILO City – A jeepney driver sustained a wound to his left hand. He was stabbed by a trisikad driver in Barangay Benedicto, Jaro district around 7:45 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16.

Police identified the jeepney driver as Clemente Flores, 38, and a resident of Zone 1, Barangay Balantang, Jaro, while  the suspect was identified as Vicente Polvos, 53, of Barangay San Isidro, Jaro.

According to Police Staff Master Sergeant Arniel Villarante of the Jaro police station, the stabbing was sparked by a traffic altercation in Barangay Benedicto with another trisikad driver, Mario Cadigal.

Cadigal lost his temper because he could not pass through the jeep driven by Flores and kept shouting to the latter, “Dasig-dasiga!”

Flores, who could not move forward quickly because of the heavy traffic, got down from his jeepney and kicked Cadigal.

Polvos who saw what was happening came to Cadigal’s defense; he stabbed Flores, police said.

Flores was taken to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Cops later arrested the two trisikad drivers in Barangay Democracia, Jaro./PN


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