Undisputed No. 1


QUITE praisable!

The Bacolod City Police Office (BCPO) topped anew in the entire Western Visayas in the Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) for December 2023. It got a 96.30% rating in a combined operational and administrative ranking.

The newly-released UPER December 2023 result made BCPO the consistent undisputed No. 1 among the provincial and highly-urbanized police units in Region 6.
Last year, it also swept the monthly UPER result, making it as the number one police station (provincial and high-urbanized city category) in the entire country.
BCPO Director (Colonel) Noel Aliño is beyond proud with the latest UPER result. He thanked his men and women for such an accomplishment that really boosted BCPO’s image and integrity.
“To maintain being on top is no ordinary journey,” the BCPO honcho stressed.
He’s grateful that he has a lot of committed people willing to perform their duties and responsibilities even beyond deadlines.
“They’re BCPO’s assets, indeed!”
Colonel Aliño ain’t “superstar” when he arrived in Bacolod in April last year. He’s “unwanted” per se.
His previous records as Iloilo Police Provincial Office (IPPO) director weren’t nice to be embraced by Bacolodnons.
But what he did, he listened to all sectors, especially to the suggestion(s) of the media. Then, he moved on, but so careful in every step.
Too, he studied well the attitude of Bacolodnons. He even indoctrinated himself with Bacolodnons’ culture and character traits.
Above all, he “put the brakes” on uttering unguarded statements. Now, yes, he’s “tough but with the heart.”


Undeniably, Colonel Aliño has a “roller coaster ride” at BCPO. Upon his entry in the “City of Smiles”, he indirectly suffered from relatively “public annoyance” due to distasteful incidents of “wigit bangkay”, “wigit kamot” and “wigit ti-il”.

But he made a lot of adjustments.

However, being candid in what he does for the sake of peace and order in Bacolod endears him most among Bacolodnons.

Now, he’s reaping the “fruits of his labor.”

BCPO to be hailed as number in the region and in the country in general is no ordinary feat.

“Worth a King’s ransom,” indeed!
Colonel Aliño, for me, ain’t just a police officer, but “The Explorer” rather. He thinks of something beyond the ordinary. His police mascots – Si Inasal and Si MassKara – really impacted the Bacolod community.
First, such a gimmick was tagged as “buki”.  Later, however, it “beautifies” the image of BCPO.

Colonel Aliño’s persistency-slash-consistency in anti-drug operations also made him and the BCPO to be “likable” among the masses.

Though fight against illegal drugs is a tricky mission yet Colonel Aliño shows “mightiness” in pursing the crashing of the Caunda drug ring in the city.

And people like and love that kind of resolve.

In sum, beyond the ratings as to the performance of BCPO as a police unit, what most is, the transformational leadership being shown by Colonel Aliño. Thus, it’s immaterial to note whether he has an “ugly past” at IPPO.

What is important, he’s a “changed man” with the “best mission and vision” for BCPO.
And such a good intention is “visible and feelable” right now.
I remembered Peter Ferdinand Drucker, an Austrian American management consultant, educator and author, who once enunciated: “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.”
Thus, it’s no easy transformation for Colonel Aliño – from an unwanted to be well-loved by the people.

But, after all, it is said that greatness (always) comes late, but “so sweet”./PN


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