Vaccine confidence

DENTISTS in California are vaccinated against COVID-19 because of their confidence about vaccine effectiveness.

Vaccine confidence, as defined by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is “the trust that patients, their families and providers have in recommended vaccines” as well as trust in the providers who administer the vaccines and the process of vaccine development, authorization and manufacturing.

“As essential health care workers, dentists were among the first in California to be vaccinated against COVID-19, behind front-line workers,” said Dr. Judee Tippett-Whyte, President of the California Dental Association (CDA).

The great majority of dentists across all demographics in the state think the vaccines are safe and effective or believe the benefits outweigh the potential risks of side effects, she continued.

“Their high vaccination rate – 94 percent ― plus the stringent infection-control protocols that dental offices follow should give patients confidence that they can safely go to the dentist and resume their routine oral health care,” Dr. Tippett-Whyte said.

An online survey conducted by the CDA and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on May 26-June 8, indicates that confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines is much higher among practicing dentists in California than it is among adults in the rest of America.

The survey showed that 94 of dentists polled were confident of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

Of the nearly 700 dentists who participated in the joint CDA-CDPH survey, 92 percent said they “got the vaccine as soon as they were able.”

Eighty-one percent said they plan to get the booster shot every time it’s recommended. 

The top three motivating reasons for getting the COVID-19 vaccine: protecting one’s own health, the health of one’s family and friends and the health of patients.

The CDA-CDPH survey showed that eight in 10 dental team members are fully vaccinated.

The high rate of COVID-19 vaccination among California dentists will assist public health efforts to increase vaccination among the general population, said Dr. Jayanth Kumar, CDA and California State Dental Director.

Dentists are in a position of trust and are able to discuss COVID-19 vaccination with their staff, patients and the public. They instill confidence about the COVID-19 vaccines and ultimately influence their patients’ decision-making about the vaccine.

Indeed, 89 percent of dentists surveyed say  their office “encouraged or recommended” their staff be vaccinated.

Another 91 percent reported they were “comfortable addressing patient concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine.”


Dr. Joseph D. Lim is the former Associate Dean of the UE College of Dentistry, former Dean of the College of Dentistry, National University, past president and honorary fellow of the Asian Oral Implant Academy, and honorary fellow of the Japan College of Oral Implantologists and Honorary Life Member of Thai Association of Dental Implantology. For questions on dental health, e-mail or text 0917-8591515./PN


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