We hate Mondays

GARFIELD the cat hates Monday and now so do I but for different reasons.

At the end of our street there is a medical center, normally a positive for the street, but since they started doing COVID checks recently it has very much become a negative but only on Mondays.

One specific country requires a COVID-free status before you can fly there and the only flights there at the moment leave on a Wednesday, so a COVID test must be done on Monday to get a result on Tuesday to fly out on Wednesday.

This seems okay but they have to line up in their cars to get the testing and once the small car park fills, they flow down the rest of the street and around the corner. This would only be a minor inconvenience if they did not block every driveway and most of the street. There have been many loud voices and much tooting.

Since when have people become so self-important that they think they can inconvenience others and not try to do the right thing?

We already have so much to fear from COVID and the way so many people handle it that we should all work together rather than look after our own interests first. Please try to be fair to everyone.


A young man’s new job

It appears ex-Prince Harry will be working for the Aspen Institute as one of 15 people looking for ways of resolving fake news and media misreporting, an area that he has some familiarity with.

The members will be journalists, politicians, professors and philanthropists and Harry, as it is not too easy to classify him amongst those options.

As they are only spending six months at the issue, it is unlikely they can find a solution to one of the most difficult problems in the modern world.

It’s also odd to see a “victim” trying to prevent the “crime” since it may be damaging to their mental health.

I am afraid that fake news will be around for as long as people need to put out their views, especially views that are not accurate or not accepted by the majority of people. It would seem that politicians may be one of the greatest sources and victims of fake news.

Remember – being honest is easier. You don’t have to try to remember your story. (dfitzger@melbpc.org.au/PN)


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