What is Development Journalism?

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

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ONE OF the areas which Development Communication focuses on is Development Journalism. This area deals with news and features which help tackle important issues in the community.

According to Juan Jamias (2014), Development Journalism is purposive, relevant, mass-oriented, scientific in outlook, and technical subject matter-oriented. In this article, I will discuss each important concepts. This is based on the article of Juan Jamias entitled “Development Communication and Development Journalism.”

Development Journalism is purposive.

According to Jamias, this means the writer or broadcaster must have a conscious attitude to work for a goal or objective. If you are a Development Journalist, you already know your target when you write an article. Furthermore, Jamias discussed that Development Journalism is the purposeful use of the print and electronic media to bring about desirable change in groups as well as individuals.

Development Journalism is relevant.

In layman’s term it means up-to-date. Articles should be current issues that beset the community. Sensationalism is avoided. Stories must focus on economic trends, population, government services, agriculture, industry, science and technology, and the environment.

Development Journalism is mass-oriented.

It means the target should cover a wider scope. It is not intended for an individual only. Furthermore, the audience of print media is declining, hence Development Journalists should find ways to attract readers; one way is to go down the level of the community. The writer should speak the language of the community. If one plans to come up with a community newspaper, the issues tackled should be something that the community will care about.

Development Journalism is scientific in outlook.

Jamias explained that Development Journalism, like its parent discipline, the modern study of human communication, is establishing close linkage with the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, social psychology, economics, demography, research methods, as well as with the new information sciences. In short, as a writer one must have wider knowledge of different topics so that when he or she writes articles his coverage is in-depth.

Development Journalism is technical subject matter-oriented.

It means Development Journalists should deal with rationally-based information.  As writers, they have to be specific with technical data. They need to translate this to the “common tao” to understand the topics being covered. After all, one of the goals of a Development Journalist is to make sure that the masses appreciate their articles and that it will not end up in the trash bin.

Being a Development Journalist is not an easy job. Like any other media-related career, it demands time and commitment. You need to love your work so you will be inspired to write articles that help uplift the community. This kind of profession is like a vocation. Even if you are not paid well, your commitment to write and help the community is evident./ PN



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