ONE of the more interesting outcomes from the “Interview of the Decade” with Oprah was how few people are watching TV.
The Interview clearly won its time slot but with about two million out of 26 million in Australia (seven percent), 17 million out of 333 million in America (five percent) and a high of 11 million out of 67 million in the United Kingdom (17 percent) the ratings really weren’t “Huge” or “Massive” as reported but simply the best at the time and probably one of the best for the year.
This suggests that few people are watching TV at all and there may be more appropriate media to get your message out to the adoring public.
Has TV reached the end of its popularity run as people seem to have deserted it as they have from newspapers?
TV shows the pictures and the story in their news broadcast although rarely in detail whereas newspapers usually rely more on details than pictures. Have they all been passed by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and if so, then be prepared for the level of news accuracy where Elvis is still alive, the moon landings were faked, and the election results were not valid?
Please start watching more TV to get the headlines and then newspapers to get the accurate details.
Same but different
United States presidents Barack Obama, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton all urge American citizens to get a COVID vaccination.
Ex-President Donald Trump claims that it was all because of him that there is a vaccine but doesn’t make any mention of the need to get the vaccine.
If you have two well-respected presidents from the Democrat side and two from the Republican side united in spreading one message, then it is best to ignore the ex-president who seems to be more interested in his own false legacy.
Listen to the wise men. (dfitzger@melbpc.org.au)/PN