Why Ka-band Satellite Broadband is the Future of Internet in the Philippines

Photo courtesy of Bambunet
Photo courtesy of Bambunet

The Philippines has a significant percentage of internet users across Asia and even across the globe. In January 2022, around 76 million Filipinos used the internet. However, even with this percentage, there are still nearly 32% or 36 million Filipinos who do not have access. The growing population of these users is undeniably not accommodated, knowing that the country placed 60th out of 100 countries in terms of its availability.

While the Covid-19 outbreak demonstrated a substantial digital divide across the Philippines, the internet has helped many people financially, physically, and mentally. The household and different industries expanded their use of social media and the internet to help them deal with the sudden economic shift during the stretch of lockdowns. Many took online jobs, and classes, while some reconnected with long-lost friends. This resource has saved lives in ways many would not believe. It became a coping mechanism for the majority. Yet, as most of us turned to the internet to support ourselves in this crisis, many were still deprived. This is principally because of location and cost.

Given the country’s topography and climate, it is a challenge for internet providers to expand their service into rural communities. Most of the islands and the mountainous side of the country have limited access. Traditional internet service providers, using fiber or cable technology, is somewhat focused on developing telecommunication building infrastructures in urban areas as it’s easier to penetrate due to their accessibility and cost-effectiveness than building a new one in the countryside. Not only that, even in the rural areas where the internet is accessible, there are still dilemmas. Compared to other countries, the Philippines’ internet speed is relatively slow and higher in price.

Government Backs Satellite-Based Internet Connectivity

Last March 2021, the Government approved Executive Order 127. This order will expand the availability of internet services through inclusive access to satellite services. Registered Value-added service (VAS) providers and internet service providers (ISPs) under National Telecommunications Commission are granted access to direct satellites systems.

The declaration will boost the satellite broadband’s potential in providing internet across the country. Unlike regular satellites which are complicated, satellite broadband is more convenient. To access it, one would only need a satellite dish and a modem. This technology is best for geographically challenged areas. With this, they won’t need to wait for (or hope) for cable or vast ground infrastructure in their towns. With substantial developments in satellite technology in recent years, satellite broadband speeds are very fast and can be utilized for basic internet activities like having video calls, browsing the web, and using cloud-based software.

Bridging the Digital Gap with Satellite Broadband

Satellite broadband provider Bambunet continues to develop and keep up with the internet demand. Working closely with satellite operator Kacific, which owns one of the newest and most prominent Ka-band satellites in the Asia Pacific, Bambunet can deliver reliable, affordable, and high-speed internet, particularly in remote areas.

Ka-band satellite technology provides higher throughput (meaning higher download and upload speeds for your everyday usage) and is more affordable than its predecessors, Ku-band and C-band.

Installation takes no time and it is inexpensive without sacrificing on quality. Bambunet, powered by Kacific, has various price plans to cater to all types of users — enabling all Filipinos to push forward by getting connected anytime, anywhere. It can cater to households and even big businesses. The Internet means everything for millions of Filipinos. The fact that many rely on using this to support lives, it is something that should be widely available for everyone to use and enjoy.

Bambunet, powered by Kacific, continues to develop solutions to provide better internet connection that will meet and exceed the expectations of the Filipino people in terms of internet availability.

If you want to connect to fast, affordable internet services today, call Bambunet on +63998 5553243 or visit www.bambunet.com

For more information on Kacific’s satellite technology, visit www.kacific.com or contact sales@kacific.com


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