THE COMPLETE title of this article is “Why Wattpaders can’t win a Nobel Prize for Literature, or the Palanca Awards.”
In Part 3, ThePSN accuses Wattpad to be pandering to the baser instincts of readers.
This is Part 4.
When I call Gen Z “snowflakes,” I do not say it to put them down.
(My nephews and nieces are snowflakes. Err, I mean, Gen Z!)
I call them snowflakes only to show them that I recognize who they are, and for what they are.
(I love Gen Z, and if they’re not jailbaits, I’ll even marry one of them!)
I want to show Gen Z that I understand how fragile their egos are, how anxious they are, how depressed, how hungry for attention, how fame whorish (like me), how fantasy and escapist-literature addicted.
I want to embrace all of them. Love them.
Because this f*cking world does not really care for them!
Nobody teaches them to be better writers.
How can they be expected to do better, to write better?
Nobody advises them which books to read.
Nobody gives them books to read!
And they aren’t f*cking rich and smart as I am.
So, let’s do this again:
I am not here to simply criticize.
I am here to offer some solutions.
I am here for those who care to listen.
I am here to be honest and straightforward.
I am here to rid the Internet of bad poetry and literature—by teaching those who have the capacity for greatness to achieve their fullest potential, and to be truly great.
I want to influence digital and internet-using writers positively.
Show them what’s great writing, teach them, inspire them, and demand it from them.
Well, that last word — “demand”.
I really do not demand anything from anyone.
Anyone can eff him/herself.
I only demand things from governments, institutions, public offices, literary mafias, government agencies, et cetera organizations and groups.
I am a high roller.
What would I gain if I fight with little dickheads who are beneath me in education and stature?
I don’t even compete with other writers.
Why should I?
I am peerless!
(Don’t even bring up that CCP Encyclopedia scandal again, please!
I mean, you can just Google search what I have already written about it.
It’s under “CCP encyclopedia scandal”. Haha.)
At 51, I consider myself an “old” and veteran writer.
I have been writing for at least 40 years.
First published nationally by New Day Publishers 27 years ago.
Critically vetted by the Palanca Awards, 19 times, including the Hall of Fame as early as 2012 (when I was 43).
I have no time for bullshit.
I will not engage in any war with Wattpaders and their fans, but I am seriously warning them and any bashers, for that matter.
Hear this well: I will retaliate judiciously.
And I often fight to the finish — meaning, at my opponent’s defeat.
Because the art of bashing and the use of most crippling insults are also in my domain as a writer, an artist, and a most gifted wordsmith.
If I can give you a blessing and healing with my words, why can I not curse you when you provoke me to rightful anger and justified wrath?
I am not a martyr; I am Peter Solis Nery!
The power of words is a two-edged sword, like silahis, and all degrees of bisexuality.
And in that regard, I am most versatile. (Versa-top, if it comes to it.) (To be continued/PN)