Women’s org in Aklan gets modified solar dryer

Community-fit modified solar dryer was provided to the Hub-eag it Mga Kababayen-an Association, a women’s organization based in Barangay Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan, through the Department of Science and Technology’s Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology Program. Supported with the conduct of food safety training and provision of packaging and labeling materials, the equipment was provided to develop a more sustainable livelihood to the beneficiaries by enhancing the quality of their anchovy products such as dried dilis and ginamos, or salted fermented fish/shrimp.
Community-fit modified solar dryer was provided to the Hub-eag it Mga Kababayen-an Association, a women’s organization based in Barangay Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan, through the Department of Science and Technology’s Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology Program. Supported with the conduct of food safety training and provision of packaging and labeling materials, the equipment was provided to develop a more sustainable livelihood to the beneficiaries by enhancing the quality of their anchovy products such as dried dilis and ginamos, or salted fermented fish/shrimp.

HUB-EAG it Mga Kababayen-an Association, a women’s organization based in Barangay Jawili, Tangalan, Aklan, received one unit of modified solar dryer from the Department of Science and Technology VI (DOST VI) and Aklan State University-Kalibo Campus (ASU-Kalibo).

The solar dryer is part of the assistance provided under the Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) project implemented in the barangay along with the program’s Economic Development component. Under the same component, the beneficiaries were also trained in food safety and were provided with product packaging and labeling materials. These were targeted to develop a more sustainable livelihood for the beneficiaries by enhancing the quality of their anchovy products such as dried dilis and ginamos.

The solar dryer was officially turned over in a recent ceremony headed by the CEST Program leader from ASU-Kalibo, Dr. Ma. Jhoanna Gonzales-Guarin. Present during the activity were the project leader, Dr. Christopher Tolores; ASU-Kalibo campus director, Dr. Jeffrey Clarin; ASU-Kalibo faculty members involved in the project; Barangay Jawili officials led by Barangay Captain James Tumbagahan; president of Hub-eag it Mga Kababayen-an Association, Ms. Morena Tejada; and representatives from the DOST VI and the Aklan Provincial Science and Technology Office (PSTO).

Additionally, the DOST CEST program aims to provide a holistic set of assistance to its beneficiaries. With this, the CEST project in Jawili has also benefited from the deployment of the Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly-Operated Kiosk Stations or STARBOOKS, establishment of an agri-tourism model, conduct of E-Nutribun supplementary feeding for undernourished children and the establishment of a Disaster Risk Reduction Program as part of the assistance provided under the Human Resource Development, Environmental Protection and Conservation, Health and Nutrition and Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Climate Change Adaptation (DRRM-CCA) components, respectively. (DOST VI-KMU)/PN.


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