Work Culture

“Beware of companies that advocate a ‘family’ culture.”  – says a recent article penned by an HR practitioner.  In it, she says that treating employees like family may do more harm than good.  Sounds nice, she writes.  But it can be antiquated, inappropriate, and unprofessional. After all, there are performance metrics to achieve, and at some point in time, you have to let people go. Most importantly, what organizations need are leaders, not parents. In yet another review, the “We’re family” mantra that repeatedly appears on more than 200 Silicon Valley start-ups websites, shows that founders deliberately fostered this type of work culture.  Their purpose was to cultivate “strong family-like feelings” and “intense emotional bonds.”

It’s a red flag, observers say.

What do you look for in a company?

Beyond pay, perks, and benefits, a good indicator that an organization is a great place to work for is its work culture.

Work culture is a collection of behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that make up the work environment.  

Depending on the industry, size, geographic location, age, and people composing the organization, work culture may be dynamic and entrepreneurial, people-oriented or friendly, hierarchical and controlled, or competitive and results-oriented.  

Why is workplace culture so important?

The culture you have at work links the company to crucial measures like productivity, retention rate, and employee engagement.  It’s a huge factor in the bottomline.  It can spell the difference between mediocre customer service and service that is so exceptional, irate clients become loyal advocates.

What’s a good company culture?

What has always worked for us at NEARSOL is a family culture.  

What’s a family culture workplace?  Let’s begin by what it isn’t.

A “family” work culture isn’t about leniency

And neither is it about tolerance.  Family culture is about robust emotional bonds and nurturing relationships.

To expound on this, allow us to say what family culture ISN’T.

It isn’t turning a blindeye to mistakes.

It isn’t rewarding mediocre work.  

It isn’t working for a pittance despite long hours.

It isn’t faking tight, close-knit relationships among co-workers.

It isn’t doing things solely because it’s “good for the family”.  (Although a huge chunk of the things we do have altruistic rewards.)

We know by heart how we have stakeholders to take care of – employees, employers, the board of directors, stockholders, suppliers, and clients.

We have metrics to accomplish, scorecards to fill out, contracts to fulfill, much-needed profits to make.  

But the bigger picture involves being relevant down the line.

Will be here in 5 years? 10?  Will clients continue to engage our services?  Will we be at the top of our game?  Or will we just be cruising along?

Will our high-performing team members stay? Or will they jump ship?

We see ourselves in this line of business in the long term. But we want more than simply “long-term”. We want to do it right.  We want to do it exceptionally well.And we want our employees happy.

It’s that simple for us.

So how do we go from here to there?

We think we got the formula right

Our sights are set on being relevant in the years to come.  And we think that there is only one line from point A to B.

The rough road has always (and will always be), customer satisfaction. Very cliché.  Very proverbial.  But we find that it’s the only way to go.

To survive in the business process outsourcing industry requires giving exceptional client service.  Consistently.


A workplace that imbibes the features of a close-knit family is the key quality that makes NEARSOL a great place to work.

How do we create this unique environment? And why do we do it?

Let’s start with the why.

We advocate a family culture because when employees feel acknowledged, valued, cared for, and nurtured, they always put their best foot forward.

Performance isn’t just a quota. It becomes a personal commitment to do something that would make the world a better place – even if that “world” for the moment, is a single client or an irate customer.

Done right, a family culture prioritizes happiness.  And when a person is happy, therein lies the magic.  They go the extra mile without hesitation. Retention rates are lower.  Even safety incidents are zero.  Add to that fewer tardy days and sick leaves.

All because of a family culture.At NEARSOL, Family Culture is NOT a red flag.  It’s a Green flag that we wave with pride and honor!

Are you passionate? Results-driven?  Committed? Caring?  Resourceful? Talk to us!

NEARSOL’s Core Values






Join the NEARSOL family!  

NEARSOL is a US-based BPO and service company that offers clients custom-design solutions. It began operations in 2006 and has since gained a strong presence in the Latin American regions, the Caribbean, and the Asia Pacific, winning numerous awards for quality and service along the way. Most recent of which is its Great Place to Work-Certified™ Recognition.

The Great Place to Work-Certified™ Recognition is a global accreditation that tells stakeholders what employees think of the company culture.  In brief, it says a lot about the happiness and productivity index in NEARSOL.  Certification means people are happy working here and that leadership trust is palpable and real.

Come and discover why our employees and clients think we’re a great place to work!

Visit and fill out your details through NIA, (Nearsol Intelligence Automation), our personalized platform for the application process.


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