Work from home opportunities at NEARSOL – finding the best

WHEN coronavirus disease 2019 broke out March last year, we saw how it brought out the worst in people. 

But there’s no denying that it has also brought the best in many.

Take our local healthcare workers and frontliners alone.  We’ve always known them to be the most dedicated people. But little did we realize just how passionate they truly are. We saw how they’ve stepped up to the plate despite limited resources. Health practitioners tending the sick and the dying, putting themselves at risk. Frontliners doing the best they can, working long hours to keep systems and essential services going.

We saw how teachers adapted to the new online setting and how those who have lost their jobs made ends meet with creative money-making ventures.  

The stories of resilience, loss, and survival are many. And all of them strike a familiar chord because as a business process outsourcing company, they are exactly the type of people who make an organization stand out.

They possess the initiative because they are driven. And if we were to be a tad melodramatic about it, these are the people you’d like to have on your team should you head for battle.

The best employees are the passionate ones.

It’s a given in any organization. The good ones (and the ones management seeks to nurture) are those who naturally have a sense of community because they know that interdependence is necessary for survival.

How do organizations find driven individuals like them? Better yet, the more appropriate question would be: How can organizations retain people like them? 

NEARSOL’s answer is a work-from-home approach.

Despite the global lockdown, NEARSOL’s silver lining has been its continued operations across its hubs in Guatemala, Bogota, Manila, and Iloilo. Operations didn’t just continue it prospered. 

These are the type of challenges we live for! 

The biggest hurdle so far is finding the best candidates to fill seats – candidates who aren’t just qualified but fit NEARSOL’s work ethic and culture. 

With our work from home option (where candidates can opt to work off-site and select which hours are most suitable for them), we can access a wider talent pool. We are also best able to retain employees who, for one reason or another, need to stay home.

Since we’re on the topic of retaining high-potential team members, here’s how we keep our talented pool. 

WE IDENTIFY HIGH POTENTIALS FROM THE GET GO – We take into consideration past and present performance, as well as their learning agility. We look for adaptability and growth potential. Someone who can eventually take a leadership role.

NEARSOL EMPLOYEES ARE ALWAYS INVOLVED. When you’re part of us, you will always find yourself in projects and campaigns – internal and external. Our key to keeping performing team members is by involving them in highly visible and meaningful assignments. The goal is to give everyone the opportunity to gain visibility and experience. 

WE CONSISTENTLY OFFER TRAINING.  At NEARSOL we like being in “school”. The worst feeling for us is seeing high-potentials leave only because they feel that their growth has stalled or plateaued. We provide strategic and customized training. It’s a measured process designed for organization-specific improvements.

GROWTH AND PROGRESS ARE MEASURED FREQUENTLY– We implement a quarterly performance review that gives everyone (from the newbies to the more senior members) immediate feedback. 

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, WE GET THEM OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONES – Growth is necessary, but more often than not, it’s uncomfortable. We expect employees to be experts for the job they were hired for. But we also give them the necessary holistic development that maximizes their potential. Further, our culture is objective-based and yet chill. Everyone is given the right medium and opportunity to voice out concerns without overstepping boundaries. 

Become one of NEARSOL’s high-potential members! 

If this work ethic and team culture resonate with your values, join the NEARSOL family now.(NEARSOL)


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