Working from the comforts of your own home is a fantasy come true for many! No long commutes. No dress codes. Most important for us Filipinos is the opportunity to take care of loved ones without having to give up our jobs.
It’s the setup we’ve all been looking for!
However, months into the remote work arrangement, we realize that working from home (or anywhere but the office, for that matter) presents unique challenges. For one, it is stressful. Perhaps even more stressful and anxiety-inducing than going to the actual office. The line between work and personal life is blurred. And many struggle with “unplugging” from the office at the end of the workday.
If this feels like your daily grind, know that you aren’t alone. Here’s how to battle the common sources of stress that many work-from-home warriors face.
- KEEP DISTRACTIONS TO A MINIMUM – While we can’t do much about the neighbor’s crowing rooster or the barking mongrel, pay close attention to the interruptions throughout your workday. This may include receiving online deliveries, answering non-work-related calls and text messages, browsing through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Tiktok, watching TV (or online movies), and other errands at home (caring for the baby, running after a toddler, caring for aging parents…)
While some of these activities are necessary, structure your day in such a way that you aren’t interrupted during the crucial hours. Say, you need two hours of uninterrupted concentration. Ask another adult to answer the doorbell or attend to the kids. If your phone isn’t used for work, put your phone away. Switch off notifications on your computer that aren’t work-related.
- SET BOUNDARIES – The people who live with us often forget that working from home is still “working”. It’s a real job with deadlines and penalties. Get comfortable with saying NO. It takes getting used to especially if you’ve always put others’ needs ahead of yours. But know that it’s only proper to turn down someone else’s requests IF IT INTERFERES with your capacity to get your job done.
- CREATE A DEDICATED WORKSPACE – If a separate and enclosed home office setup is practical, then by all means make one. But if constructing your own home office isn’t possible make sure to create a workspace that you can call your own. It need not be fancy. But it has to be a dedicated workspace where you can focus. A small corner of a room, an empty spot in the kitchen, or a table set up at the garage … A committed space allows you to mentally shift from home to work, and vice versa. It may also help you “leave” the office at the end of your shift.
- PRACTICE SELF CARE – No… don’t simply practice it. PRIORITIZE IT! We all thought working from home was the ticket to multi-tasking with finesse. We all thought we could get the cooking, laundry, tutoring, and errands done while answering calls and submitting reports. Little did you realize that sleep and self-care always gave way to everything else. And before you know it, you’re now running on fumes. Protect your sleep cycle. Get quality sleep at night (or during the day if your shift calls for it). Avoid the use of screens late at night. Don’t neglect diet and exercise either. It’s cliché to hear it but in times like these, health is truly wealth. Avoid processed foods. Exercise regularly. Take naps. Prioritizing yourself does wonders not just for your body but for your mental health as well.
- NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN – Last but not least, never let your guard down when it comes to protecting yourself from COVID-19. The virus is here to stay. And until we can venture out again, we should practice social distancing and proper hygiene even at home.
Remote work is here to stay. So why not give it a go?
Work from Home! Work with us at NEARSOL.
NEARSOL is a US-based BPO and service company that offers clients custom-design solutions. It began operations in 2006 and has since gained a strong presence in the Latin American regions, the Caribbean, and the Asia Pacific, winning numerous awards for quality and service along the way. Most recent of which is its Great Place to Work-Certified™ Recognition.
The Great Place to Work-Certified™ Recognition is a global accreditation that tells stakeholders what employees think of the company culture. In brief, it says a lot about the happiness and productivity index in NEARSOL. Certification means people are happy working here and that leadership trust is palpable and real.
Come and discover why our employees and clients think we’re a great place to work!
Visit Nearsol.us and fill out your details through NIA, (Nearsol Intelligence Automation), our personalized platform for the application process.