WV posts slight surge in COVID-19 cases – DOH-6


ILOILO City – The Department of Health (DOH) Region 6 urged the public to remain cautious and vigilant this holiday season following a slight increase in cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

DOH-6 particularly advised the public to set aside attending gatherings or parties if exhibiting flu-like symptoms to prevent transmission of viruses or any diseases.

Medyo may slight kita nga pag-increase pero indi man amo na kataas gid. Indi gid naton mahambal nga alarming basta dapat conscious lang ang mga tawo agud matapna man,” said DOH-6 Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (RESU) head Dr. Mary Jane Roches Juanico-Esteva in a Panay News interview on Tuesday, Dec. 26.

Based on the COVID-19 weekly bulletin morbidity week 51, from Dec. 17 to 23, an additional 238 cases were recorded in the region. This translates to a daily average of 34 cases.

This is higher by nine percent compared to reported cases in the previous week or morbidity week 50.

But Juanico-Esteva clarified that out of 238 new cases, only one was categorized as severe and critical.

Zero deaths were recorded during the week, she noted.

“So far, ang nakita naton sa datus naton out of 238 cases reported, daw isa ang na-report nga severe to critical cases,” Juanico-Esteva said.

In total, there are 1,979 active cases of COVID-19 in the region. Its disposition is as follows:

* asymptomatic – 41.23 percent

* mild – 50. 38 percent

* moderate – 6.57 percent

* severe – 1.57 percent

* critical – 0.025 percent

The breakdown of active cases by age group:

* less than one year old – 116 cases

* one to 10 years old – 112 cases

* 11 to 20 years old – 109 cases

* 21 to 30 years old – 350 cases

* 31 to 40 years old – 275 cases

* 41 to 50 years old – 174 cases

* 51 to 60 years old – 225 cases

* 61 to 70 years old – 231 cases

* 71 to 80 years old – 216 cases

* 81 to 90 years old – 140 cases

* above 90 years old – 31 cases

In terms of healthcare utilization rate, there is low usage of healthcare facilities allotted for COVID-19 patients.

* Non-intensive care unit (ICU) bed utilization rate – 21.30 percent, or 292 out of 1,371 non-ICU beds used

* ICU bed utilization rate – 14 out of 130 ICU beds used

* severe and critical admissions – 3.75 percent of total COVID-19 admissions

Factors for Slight Increase

Juanico-Esteva explained that the colder temperature is favorable to the flu, and gatherings or parties this holiday season are a venue for the virus to spread.

With this, the vulnerable population, including pregnant women, persons with co-morbidities, senior citizens, and those who have no or incomplete COVID-19, flu and pneumonia vaccines, should strictly observe minimum public health standards.

Naga-advise man kita nga kon sila may ginabatyag nga ubo, sip-on, kag hilanat or daw trangkaso nga sintomas kon mahimu indi lang gid sila anay mag-intra or mag-impon sa gatherings agud indi makalaton kag kon indi gid malikawan nga mahimu, maggamit sang facemask, frequent nga maghugas sang kamot, and i-make sure ang venue well ventilated,” reminded Juanico-Esteva.

The health officer, however, clarified that the DOH-6 currently does not impose the mandatory use of facemask but highly recommends this./PN


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